A Werewolf Story, Falling Stars

Scene of the crime!

Mari's POV

Okay, so now at the scene of the crime!

We followed Hazel to where it all happened, and trust me, she wouldn't shut-up.

When we got to the scene, Hazel told us to beware of the black dragon, whatever the hell that was.

"It gets really irritated when you wake it up and it has really fiery breath that really stinks and-"

"Hazel?" I interrupted.



I looked around.

"Well, it's definitely a dragons cave" I said, looking at the burned grass around the cave.

"Any idiot could tell that just by looking at it, hopefully" Shapefune said as he walked over to a large patch of burned grass.

"Found something!"

I rushed over, he was holding a silver chain that looked slightly melted, but still almost perfectly intact.

"So? Its a chain, anyone could have dropped that" I commented.

"Yeah, but what was Elysse wearing when we last saw her?"

I thought for a moment, until it hit me.

"The four leaf clover charm" I whispered, but then thought of something else that didn't add up.

"But if this is the chain, wheres the charm?"

"I have some idea, if Hailey was the one who brought her down here-"

"To be burned to death by a black dragon" added Hazel.

"-thank you Hazel, and left her here to die-"

"IF there was anything of her left" I added.

"Thank you Mari, then who do you think would take a charm of a supposedly dead victim of a dragon attack?"

"You don't mean-" I said, I couldn't bring myself to say it but I knew it was coming.

"Hailey probably took it as a memento of what she had done" Shapefune said calmly.

"Hailey. Is. So. Gonna. Die." I said slowly, and I meant it.

Shapefune just looked at me, eyes full of sympathy.

"I seriously know how you feel, the first time the sisters did something this bad I wanted to kill them too"

"What did they do?" I sighed, trying to imagine something that would really piss him off.

"Kidnap someone" he said simply.

"So whatta we gonna do now?" Hazel said, appearing out of nowhere, making me jump violently.


"We are going to try and see if there is any proof that Elysse lives, and I know there'll be some somewhere" he said, getting up and started looking in around the trees edging around the cave.

I went over and started looking too, Shapefune looked at me, I just said "Helping, just helping" in a happyish sort of voice.

He just smiled and carried on.

"Shapefune, come see this" I said, looking at a roughly made path that looked like it was made by a person who was trying to roll away, fast.

"Good job Mari" Shapefune complemented.

"And I didn't have to be a Werewolf to do it" I said back, but I then noticed a piece of fabric hanging of a low, sharp branch of a poisonous looking bush.

"Look at that" I said, I went to grab it but Shapefune grabbed my hand before I could touch it.

"Mari, that bush is poisonous, they grow in mobs around here, I don't want you touching them, EVER" he said, while he went out to grab the fabric, still holding onto my hand.

"How come your allowed to touch it and I'm not?" I asked, cocking an eye at him.

"Simple, I'm an Angel so it won't affect me, and your human and it will affect you"

"Smart ass" I muttered.

"What was that you said?"


We both looked at the fabric, it was black and looked oddly familiar.........

"Elysse's dress" I whispered, then looked down the path.

"We found the silver chain over there and the fabric here, so the path must be another clue! I wish I had a note pad! And knew how to read, and write." I muttered the last part.

"I brought a notepad" Shapefune said, taking out a small brown leather book with a pen in a pocket that looked like it was specially made for it.

"Well start writing it all down, we might need to record this so we remember" I said, but Shapefune had already started writing.

"You gotta teach me to read some time" I said, all his writing looked like random scribbles to me.

"Mmm" Shapefune grunted as he kept on writing.

After about twenty minutes he put the notebook away.

"finally" I muttered, by now I was sitting on a random rock, Hazel was fluttering in the air.

He just sat down next to me on the rock.

"So what now?" He said.

"We follow the path, it was obviously made by Elysse when she escaped, Hailey probably didn't notice because she thought she had burned to ashes so didn't check properly if she really was gone, and she wouldn't let the others come back here to the scene of the crime so its a good lead"

"Yeah, but we don't know where it stops, for all we know this path was made years ago"

"Look, this looks fresh, the broken sticks are still a little green, so it wasn't that long ago" I pointed out, then added "Put that in the notebook too"

So after Shapefune wrote in the notebook again, we set off along the path.

Along the way we all saw traces of black fabric that looked ripped on random sticks.

Shapefune had once again taken out his notepad and was noting down everything, and once again Hazel wouldn't shut up, and I just walked silently, knowing that anything I said wouldn't really matter.

And so I was the first to see the black shoe with pink spots.

It looked like one of my shoes that I had found in my wardrobe that for some reason is always packed with shoes, too many for me to have so when I have the chance I get rid of them, only to find that even MORE shoes appear the next day.

Anyways, I spotted the shoe.

"Shapefune, Hazel, look hat I found!" I said, rushing ahead and lifting the shoe in the air, it was supposed to look glorious, but instead I ended up tripping over a rock or something and grazing my knee.

"Mari, you are one VERY clumsy girl" Shapefune said as he helped me up.

"Gee your nice aren't you?" I replied back, brushing myself off, my right knee was bleeding badly.

Shapefune instantly bent down and grabbed a first aid kit from his bag.

"Shapefune, seriously, you don't have to-"

"But I'm going to anyway" he said, taking out a bandage and starting to wrap it around my knee, while I stood there just wanting to move my leg.

"Thanks" I said quickly, moving my leg, but I stopped almost straight away, it was painful.


"You aren't going to be able to walk for a bit, let me carry you"

"No, I'll be fine, just note the shoe, its very good evidence that she was here"

"It could be anyones shoe Mari" he just said, giving me that look he always gave me when I wasn't doing what he thought was best.

Its when his actual age in normal years actually shone through his eyes, making them look ancient.

"Its one of the shoes I gave away, I give a type of shoe to different people who I know they'll suit, this is the type I always give to Elysse, and I know these are the exact ones because they had black bows on the top that she cut off, these still have little marks where the bows were, she was here" I said in a definite sounding voice.

"Okay then, IF she was here, then where did she go next?" he asked.

"Ah, well, THAT I don't know"

"Back to square one" said Hazel who fluttered right by my head.

"No we're not, we now know some of where she's been" I snapped.

"Yeah, but not where she went from here" said Shapefune, finishing off writing something in that notebook.

At that point I was wishing that I never suggested it, but then again, it was still a good idea.

I just sat down, I didn't realize until then how much my feet hurt.

And it was only then that I realized the extent of what Hailey had done, and left me wondering why she did what she did.
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This has taken a while, I have changed this about three times already, the ending twice, so yes, here is the chapter, FINALLY.