Status: Incomplete

Jump Then Fall

And there's just something about you that makes me completley loose my breath.

I walked down a hall way, filled with pictures of the players and past great players on the wall, until I reached a lounge. The lounge was extremely nice compared to what I was used to, it had a black leather couch, and chair, A fridge, and buffet, a nice TV and some tables with stools. There was one thing that really caught my eye, on the wall they had the team picture with the Stanley Cup the two years they won it in 1991, and 1992. That was definitely one of my biggest dreams in my pro career, to win the Stanley Cup. I mean everyone dreams about it as a child growing up, and honestly only a certain few can actually say that they accomplished that. To have my name on the Cup would definitely be a dream come true. I continued
straight past a mural on the wall into the locker room and took a quick look around. It was awesome, I saw players names, like Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin and Jordan Staal. I quickly got over the whole wow factor because I had to hurry. I found my new locker next
to Mark Eaton And Sergei Gonchar. Both great defenseman, I just wished I could do as well as them. I changed as quickly as I could and made my way onto the ice. As soon as my skates hit the ice the guys picked on me for the littlest things. But it was all for fun, it actually made me feel more like part of the team. I started to feel really comfortable around them. Practice was almost over, there was just one more thing to do; the shootout. I was actually good at these.

"We can all go and let Kris go last so he knows how we do it here." Tyler Kennedy said laughing and skating around in a circle. I could see Max smirk and let out a little giggle. He knew what i was capable of; what all of the other players didn't know was that in juniors I had a perfect shootout record; 10 for 10, and I won the Gold in the World Juniors for us by getting a shootout goal. "okay it's a regular shootout but loser has to do whatever The team agrees on, and the loser is the last person to miss the goal." coach Bylsma informed me of the rules.

"Okay got it." I agreed with the terms of the shootout.

"I say the loser has to grow a stache." Billy G a big jokester of the team offered as the discipline for losing. Everyone agreed that this was a fair punishment. Half the team went all but Two getting the goal. The two were Max which was never really that good at them and Fedotenko a great player but not that good at shootouts. The rest of the team went one not getting the goal; Mark Eaton. It was down to Tyler and then me. Tyler got in position skating powerful to the net shooting and saved by Marc-Andre.

"Shit!" he exclaimed skating to the bench. "Kris you're up bud" my new friend Jordan informed me. "Kick ass." he added giving me a love tap with his stick. I took the ice cautiously, this was it, my fate on the team was in my hands. First impressions are everything this could either get me picked on by the team or respected. I started skating forward with all the power I had getting the puck on my way to the net. I did my signature shootout shot that no one could figure out, and that puck was in the back of the net behind Fleury an awesome NHL goaltender. With all my excitement I skated and jumped into glass as teammates celebrated with me. It was a really good feeling, like they considered me part of the team. You would have thought I just scored the winning goal in a game 7 of the Stanley cup finals double overtime. The celebration soon died down, finishing off the Shootout, eventually Fedotenko, Max, and Mark beating Fleury. That made Tyler the looser. Coach B finishing practice with a speech that included telling us that the game tonight was gonna be a battle until the end, we were versing the Washington capitals. They had a dominant goal scorer Alex Ovechkin he was on a hot streak over the past games. Coach B wanted to try and hold him off the scoreboard, it would really help us. He told us that he believed in us, he was a very positive coach. He finished his speech with the terms of Tyler's punishment.

"TK you have to grow a stache for this entire month of December" coach laughed this was the worst possible time to loose a bet like this, Christmas time.

We all made our way back to the locker room. Changing into our clothes are exchanging conversation.

"Yo Kris do you know anyone here in Pittsburgh?" Jordan asked me walking over to my locker as I sat putting on my shoes.

"No not really only Max, and I met his girl Jess today." I said tying my laces on my shoes and looking up at him. He had a weird look on his face.

"Why?" I said kind of slow and nervous, what was cooking in that brain of his.

"I was just thinking maybe we could do a double date\blind date thing. My girlfriend Brittany has a few single friends maybe one of them would be interested, what do you think?" Jordan finished, kinda out of breath, but smiling and taking his phone out of his pocket starting a new message.

"What are you doing now? Don't tell me your texting Brittany, I didn't even answer you. Yet Jord." I said as I finished putting my stuff away and grabbing my belongings.

"Well If you must know I actually wasn't giving you a choice Your going bud, I just texted her, So your going, trust me you'll have fun." Jordan finished as we walked out of the arena.

"Fine I'll go, But I'm not promising that I'll have fun." I gave in, it's not like I had anything
better to do.


Jessica's POV
I drove as fast as I could to Brittany's house this was like nothing I've ever felt. I needed to talk to someone I trusted. As soon as i pulled in her driveway I turned the car off and jumped out running to the house.

"Britt" I yelled running into the living room where I found her sitting on the couch.

"Okay I got your text Jess what's the emergency." Britt said patting on the seat next to her on her beautiful suede couch. I was to worked up to sit down.

"Today I was at practice with Max, and I met his friend Kris he always talks about." I paced the living room floor.

"Yeah and.... I thought your were looking forward to meeting him since you've heard so much about him" bliss asked with a confused look on her face as she turned Maury off.

"Oh my he is gorgeous, it was like instant lust, this is bad I've never felt this way I'm so confused, help me! Please" just then bliss' phone went off her ring-tone was body language by Jesse McCartney.

"Hold that thought Jord just texted me." she opened her phone and read the text message.
"Hey baby first of all I love you and will be home soon, second I got a new bud just called up from Wilkes barre he doesn't know many people here, get one of your sexiest single friends were going on a double date tomorrow night."

"Wow" Britt said with a shocked expression on her face, as she showed me the message she just got from Jordan.

"That's him, who are you gonna get?" I asked biting my nails which I
never do, I should not be this nervous about this I have a boyfriend.

"Uh I don't know who do you want me to take? To bad your taken.." Britt asked cause she
knew the way I was feeling.

"Maybe Hannah, I can't think of anyone else that's single." I said
finally sitting down.

"Or I could just take you." she said kind of chuckling.

"No I can't I need to stay away, I have that feeling I might pounce if
I'm around him to much, and I need to stay away and evaluate everything. I finished frantically. She was laughing at the way I was reacting.

"You did that on purpose, you like to see me this way." I hit her
arm playfully yet mad.

"Its okay that your feeling this way, you just had an instant connection, but you love Max maybe just try and stay away from Kris and it will die down." Britt comforted me pulling me close and squeezing me tight.

"Thanks, you always know the right thing to say." I said feeling a lot better, like everything was going to work out.

"Now you go home and see Max for a little while before he goes to dinner at Marc-Andre's place. I'll see you back here for dinner in a few hours." she said getting up and walking me to the door. I opened the door to Jordan with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey babe" Jordan said Handing the flowers to Britt and kissing her. They were so cute, the perfect couple.

"Ill see you guys later, I have to get home to Max." I said walking out and shutting the door. Seeing them that way make me miss the days Max used to do that for me, he just thinks that he has me know and doesn't have to be romantic. I walked to my car slowly getting in and leaving. I let a small tear fall from my eye. I was so confused. Did I love Max? Why did I feel this way about Kris?
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More to come soon!