Status: Editing some of the chapters, and writing new ones. Leave lots of comments.

When Angels Cry Blood

Preparations For a Mission

I walked into Issa’s shop. No one was at the counter so I played with the little bell. “I’m coming! Why do you angels love to play with the bell…” a voice that sounded like it was floating out on the ringing of wind chimes called as I continued to play with the bell. “Oh my goodness! Bella, what are you doing,” a girl no older than 18 asked as she walked from the back. I was sitting on the counter just tapping the bell beside me. I looked into her crystal blue eyes as I gave her one of my award winning smiles. She grinned back as she swirled a curl of her mousy brown hair around her pointer finger.

“Nothing Issa, besides waiting for you so I can make an order and then get going on my mission,” I said. She looked at me and shook her head.

“You’re a protector you don’t go to the Earth very often and it's been like what, days?” she asked.

“Issa, it's been five years and I’m going to deal with Xavier,” I said.

She smiled, “Oh the mysterious vampire,” she said fiendishly.

“It wasn’t like that! He was only mysterious so he could kill me…and besides Jac thinks I can handle this girl that he wants,” I explained.

“Oh I’m so sorry,” She said sadly. I just laughed.

“Issa, I never liked him anyway, I mean I’ve always been in love with…” I trailed off as the bell signaled someone had come into the shop.

“Oh hello Gabriel, what can I do for you today,” Marissa asked with a small grin.

“Nothing, I just came to see how the protector was doing,” he answered.

“Well, I am fine, and my order would be coming along better if Jac would have told me how much stuff to bring,” I retorted.

“Well you’ll be staying indefinitely, so as much as you can. I would suggest you watch out for that vampire, we’ve been watching him and he has been training a lot harder than any of us have lately,” he said.

“Then Issa how long do I have to wait before I can get that many human clothes,” I asked, and she smiled sweetly.

“Tomorrow afternoon Bella, and if you want I can send you some when you get tired of the ones I have made,” she answered.

“Great thanks Issa, I owe you,” I smiled at my dear friend before looking at Gabriel.

“Anything else?” I asked.

“No, not that I can think of,” he said before turning and leaving the shop.

“Bella I think he likes you.” Issa mocked.

“In my dreams.” I sighed. Gabriel is amazing, and I’ve liked him since I became an angel, I think he is the only one besides my father and Issa that knows how I died.

I caught up on talking with my friend before leaving the shop and walking back to my home. I thought about my mission and my acquaintance Xavier. Maybe he wouldn’t recognize me…what am I thinking I haven’t changed since I died. Changing your appearance was against the rules unless you had permission…that’s it. I grabbed my phone off my counter and dialed Jac’s number. He is the official that can grant me permission.

Ring…ring…ring, “Hello?” Jac answered.

“Jac,” I asked.

“Yes, what is it,” he said impatiently.

“Jac, can you give me permission to change my appearance so I don’t have to deal with Xavier recognizing me?” I asked sweetly.

“Oh, I forgot that he’s already met you. Well, it would be quite a problem if you do not change so, yes you have permission, just don’t go too overboard,” he said.

“Okay thanks,” I said, and then a click signaled he had hung up the phone.

Now to plan what I am going to look like… I have long black hair that hangs to my waist, and silver eyes. I love my eyes, so I’m not getting colored contacts. My hair is something I can change; I think I’ll get it cut shorter to maybe my shoulders, and dye it blond. I’ve always wondered what I would look like as a blond. I am a lot paler than the last time I came across Xavier so that should help, as long as I don’t look at him directly I don’t think he’ll notice me.

I went to sleep thinking of how I would look with plain blond hair or if I needed highlights. Soon I would be going down to the earth to meet Alexandra and let’s just say I have my work cut out for me. I read those papers and found out she works in a sleazy bar, which is where she met Zane, and I will be sitting next to her in all the classes I have, which I’m guessing will be three at the most. I am very smart, because Gabriel made me go to a human school back when I was a redeemer angel, and I was schooled there for almost three high school graduations.

Sleep fell upon me in no time. I slept dreamlessly in order to wake early and do the things I needed to do. First I’d have to prepare my look, second I’d have to pick up my clothes, and then I would have to go to Earth. I didn’t know if I was prepared for the meetings to come, but I knew that would have to be prepared.
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Another edit. Be sure and leave comments for me and my awesome cowriter!!