Status: Editing some of the chapters, and writing new ones. Leave lots of comments.

When Angels Cry Blood

Chapter Nine: Figuring & Fighting

“So now I’m stuck with you following me around,” I sighed as I glanced back at Gabe. His famous crooked grin spread across his face; at that moment I didn’t care where he followed me as long as he was with me.

“I am afraid so, Madame. Although technically I’m supposed to be invisible,” he joked half-heartily. Jac had never been angry with either of us, but he was livid in the meeting. I could only imagine what he was thinking now that we were back to breaking rules.

“How did we get to be top angels by breaking all the rules,” I thought aloud.

“Because we always get the job done no matter what rule we break,” he answered seriously.

I shrugged as I did a quick scan of our surroundings. The man in the dark jeans sitting on the bench reading the paper looked a little suspicious, but we were on a boulevard eating ice cream. My imagination was running wild. “Sometimes beings may surprise you.”

How was anyone supposed to surprise me while I was watching the key to the gates? I suddenly felt like I was being watched. The man with the paper, the other guy standing at the edge of a building wearing a fedora signaling for a taxi, and a woman with pale curls cascading over her shoulders smiling brightly at everyone all seemed suspicious. My throat began to close. I dropped the ice cream as I tried to steady my breathing.

“Liz,” Gabe questioned. I shook my head. He grabbed my wrist and quickly pulled me away.

Nothing seemed to work. The more I tried to calm down the harder it became to breath. The more Gabriel questioned me the more I lost touch with my surroundings. All I could see was Xavier’s face with his fang filled grin laughing.

“Where’s Alex,” I choked out. I could feel Gabe’s grip tighten on my arm

“We’re worrying about you right now,” he growled.

I ripped my arm from his grip. I ran as fast I could. I needed to figure this out. I needed to understand what was going on. Was Xavier trying to get inside my head by giving me false information, or was he trying to protect me by giving me coded messages.

“He’s not after Alex, Gabriel. I don’t know what he’s up to but I know Alex isn’t involved.”

“He has been following her for weeks,” he hissed.

“Xavier has been trying to appear suspicious, Gabe. He didn’t know how to get his hands on…” I trailed off.

’He stares and waits like someone is supposed to fall out of the sky,’ Alex’s voice floated through my ears.

“Xavier is after an angel. He wants something from the angels, Gabe.”

“Like what, Isabelle?”


Narrator’s POV

Xavier waited in the ally. The smell of different types of drugs filled his nostrils; the scent made his dinner churn in his stomach. Maybe a drug addict for dinner wasn’t such a good idea after all, but he wasn’t going to miss this meeting. He’d waited far too long to get into the same room as his sire. Two hours was a fair amount of time to wait for a vampire that was born nearly three millennia ago.

The fresh blood coursed through Xavier’s cold veins. No one entered the ally because most of the addicts knew what he was, the rest heard the rumors, and he was in general a menacing person. His mind raced as he realized his phone was vibrating against his lower left abdomen.

“Hello,” he hissed into the phone.

“The meeting couldn’t be arranged, sir,” the male voice said.

“Human,” Xavier growled.

“Ye-yes, sir,” the voice stuttered.

“Why were the arrangements not made?” hissed Xavier. He could feel the anger building throughout his body. His fingers pushed into the palms of his hand caused little pain, but kept him relatively sane for the moment.

“Your sire is indisposed with more problems. Handling those problems is the priority,” the human answered in a drone. The male was a clerk.

“You will be eaten when you become useless or make a mistake.” Xavier warned.

“That is not one of the issues.”

“The angel, she is mine. Find another idiot to track down what you want!”

Xavier slammed the cellphone on the ground in a pool of some sort of liquid, probably urine. His hands fully formed into fists before they crashed into the cement building. The ground floor of the building shook with such force that a few of the addicts rushed out thinking something exploded. Xavier smiled brightly knowing very well what he was going to do with the rest of his night, and since his clearance for human blood wasn’t going to be revoked until probably morning, it was going to be a good night.
♠ ♠ ♠
This update is dedicated to Miss SinfulGrly.

Thanks for asking for an update. If you want more leave comments and we'll see where the story leads.