Status: Completed

P.S I Love You

Beside Lamp

Holly jumped up when she heard her phone ringing. She searched around in her purse until she felt it tightly clutched in hers. She opened her eyes a little to see Sharon’s name flashing.

She groaned as she slid it open, “What do you want!?” she yelled, which caused a stabbing pain in her head.

“Oh good, a friendly voice.” Sharon whispered. She too was a little hangover. She woke up with her hair sticking up everywhere.

“Sorry. What happened last night?” Holly whispered.

“Tequila and gay dancing my dear friend.”

“Stop screaming at me.” Holly had to hold her phone away from her ear.

“I’m not screaming at you. NOW I AM!” Sharon winced a little, but laughed.

“Shit Sharon. Stop.”

Sharon laughed, “Sorry. Now get your ass up and head to your apartment.”

“What?” Holly was lost.

“The letter? Hello!”

Holly slapped down her phone and ran out the room. She ignored her headaches. Holly called out a ‘Good morning’ to her sister and mother as she dashed out the bar and ran for her apartment.

She got there just as the mail man was leaving her building. She grinned as she threw open the door and forced her mailbox key in the hole. Holly grabbed her mail and ran up the stairs to her home.

“Why do I have to have so many keys!?” she yelled. She threw open the door and shut it closed. All her stuff fell on the floor and she searched for Gerry’s letter.

Holly grinned when she saw his handwriting on the white envelope saying “Baby.”
She tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter.

“Go out and get yourself a bedside lamp. Don’t be picky either! Get something that doesn’t follow the color theme in the bedroom, go out and get something that describes you baby. Go on now!
P.S I love you.”

Holly rolled her eyes, “Why a bedside lamp? Why couldn’t it be a new outfit or something?”

Holly imagined what he would be saying right now, “Because you don’t need anymore clothes baby.”

“Yes I do.”

“No you don’t. Go get a lamp. Do as I say.”

Holly rolled her eyes and took another shower. Her apartment was all clean thanks to her mother and friends. She dressed quickly and ran out again.

Gerry was still around her like he was alive. She felt his every breath every night she went to sleep. Holly could even swear she felt his kisses on her cheek like he used to before she fell asleep.

Holly placed the green lamp on her side of the bed. She sat on her bed and clicked it on and off. She starred around her apartment feeling the emptiness screaming at her. She flicked it on again and saw Gerry in the bathroom gelling his hair with no shirt on. Holly smiled as she clicked it off, and on again to find Gerry standing at the dresser in the living room grabbing his phone and all his crap. She caught the kiss he blew at her and clicked off the light again.

“I still feel you around. You’re still here aren’t you?” Holly whispered. She leaned back on her bed and let the tears flow from her eyes.
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