Status: Active

The Fastpass

Lots and lots of random bands popping in and out. :) 16 year old Bert McCracken works with his best friend Gerard Way. One day, once again, Bert falls in love with a boy. Funny, bizzarre situations ensue. (AU)
  1. The Plan
    Bert has another of his infamous Plans...
  2. Quinn's Boxers
    Bert gets close to Godknowswho's boxers...
  3. Brings a whole new meaning to not listening...
    Bert and Gerard have that weird best-friend ability to not hear but still listen
  4. "The Wolf is spearheading this entire mission..."
    ...With his help from his Muscles, Cakes, and Elf.
  5. "Hi, could I get a toffee pineapple?"
  6. You just lost something, right?
    In her mouth? Right??
  7. "Ready for the Halloween party?"
    "...It's April."