Status: just started

10 Tips to the End of the World - 1st Prophecies


According to a current theory the world will end on the 21 of December 2012 this is false it is just a theory because thats when the *Mayan calendar stopped and if you don't know then heres a brief lesson ALL calendars end i think thats when it ended because thats when the Spanish invaded. In this book the world ends because its about 3 billion years in the future and the sun has expanded so much that its swallowing all the planets and earth is next*. its the year 3000002010 and the sun has melted the polar icecaps there is no liquid left on earth all humans except the humans in the cities of happenings and nothing-ever-happens-ville* have evacuated to i don't know Pluto? you choose*. in nothing-ever-happens-ville we will meet our main character john pickle jar he is a female 12foot 11 inches dark blue hair bald long black shorts his eyes are light black and she wears a purple singlet with long sleeves in theory the weirdest person ever*.
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the Mayans were ancient Mexicans.
this book is about the end of earth by the way.
im not being lazy just funny ok.
only 1 person survived the nuclear blast and his name is i don't know john pickle jar.
this person is just for funny purposes and is not actually the main character.