Status: active =]

These Words Are Choking Me Slowly

"About...Two Years Ago"

(Erin's POV)

Raynie and Danny walked a little distance away from us. I know she’s probably asking him not to say anything to Liam about Sean cheating on her. I know Raynie, and her pride won’t want Lewis knowing about something she’s ashamed about.

“So…” Liam said turning to me and Destiny, “Why’d Daniel attack Sean anyways?”

“Well, Sean ch−” Destiny started.

“None of your business Lewis!” I screamed before Destiny could reveal Raynie’s little...misfortune with Sean.

“What do you mean ‘none of my business’? Danny is my little brother. I think I deserve to know why he attacked someone as big as Sean!” Liam seethed. “In case you didn’t realize, Danny could’ve been seriously hurt if I didn’t break it up. I think I should know what happened.”

“You ‘think’? Well, that’s defiantly a first. And fine. If you must know, Danny attacked Sean because he was mad.” I said. He didn’t need to know why he was mad.

“No, really? I thought he fought him because he was happy.” Liam said sarcastically. “Why was he mad?”

“Now that really isn’t any of your business.” I replied.

“Why are you being so damn difficult?” He said, taking half a step towards me. “Just tell me already!”

“Make me tell you, asshole! I’d like to see you try!” I screamed, taking a step towards him.

“Whoa, guys, calm down,” Destiny pleaded, stepping in between us. “We don’t want two fights in one day, do we?” She said with a nervous chuckle.

“Well then,” Liam said turning to her, “what happened?”

“Like I said, it’s none of your damn business−”

“Danny was pissed because Sean cheated on Raynie with Mindy Parker!” Destiny blurted out before I had the chance to stop her.

“He what?!” Liam sounded pissed, and he looked just about ready to kill. “But Rainbow−”

“It’s Raynie to you.” I interrupted him.

“−hates Mindy!” He continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “How could Sean do that to her?!”

Why the hell does he sound pissed?! He has no right to be mad; he doesn’t even like Raynie…

“Yea, we’re her friends.” I said, emphasizing we’re. “We know that they despise each other. We didn’t need you to tell us.”

“Gawd, Erin. When did you become such a…a bitch?!” Liam said angrily.

Smirking, I replied. “Hmmm…I was always a bitch. I just happened to became a tad bit bitchier around the same time you became a total prick and jerk. Ironic huh? But, to answer your question, I believe I became bitchier about….two years ago. Yeaa, that sounds about right.”

I’m a jerk?” He said, clearly mad.

“Yes,” I replied matter-of-factly, “You really are.”

I’m a jerk? Me?” He said, again.

“Did I stutter? Yes. You’re a jerk!” I said irritated.”

Me? I’m a jerk?”

“Okay, apparently, not only are you a jerk; but you’re also hard-of-hearing. YES! You’re a jerk!” I yelled, completely aggravated.

“Look, I’ve tried to say sorry for what happened with the whole ‘Gatorade incident’! It was two fucking years ago−move on!” He screamed.

“Move on? Move on?! You humiliate me in front of the entire fucking school and you tell me to ‘move on’?! Fuck off, Liam!” I screeched, pushing him backwards.

“Ummm…are we walking in on something?” Daniel asked awkwardly, as he and Raynie made their way back towards us.

Liam ignored Danny and turned to Raynie. “He cheated on you with Mindy Parker?” He asked her, as if checking for reassurance. He sounded slightly angry and…worried?

What the fuck?

“Wha−but−I− ummm…” Raynie stuttered. She looked extremely embarrassed that her little secret was out in the open. Her eyes darted back and forth between me and Destiny; trying to figure out which one of us had sold her out. “…Who told you that?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Liam said, gingerly stepping towards her, “is it true?”

From the corner of her eye, she gave me a questioning look; silently asking me if I was the one who told him. I shook my head and bluntly nodded towards Destiny, who was looking away guiltily.

Sighing, Raynie said, “Yea, Destiny, I know you told him. But, if you must know Liam, yes. Sean cheated on me with Mindy Parker. Ya happy now?”

“What?” He asked dumfounded. “Why would I be happy about that?” He asked, obviously hurt by Raynie’s words. “I still care about you Rainbow.” He muttered, the last part, the last part barely audible.

“Yo−You what?” Raynie stuttered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im trying to make the chapters longer….am I succeeding? Lolz xD

Thnx for reading :D