Status: active =]

These Words Are Choking Me Slowly

Starting Summer Vacation.

"Hey, babe, why aren't you wearing that vanilla body spray I love so much?" Sean asked, as he hugged me hello.

That simple, pointless, question ruined my whole summer vacation. Those few, meaningless words led to something so much more than they were intended for.

"Sean," I said, pausing and pulling away from his embrace, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"What do you mean 'what am I talking about'? I'm talking about that sweet smelling vanilla spray you know I love so much." he said smirking.

You see, most guys would've realized they messed up after I had said 'what the hell are you talking about', but Sean, apparently, wasn't most guys.

"Sean, I don't own a vanilla body spray. In fact, I never smell like vanilla, you do."

"What? No I don't. Well I might, but that's only because I'm around you so much, and you smell like vanilla."

Pushing him away, I exclaim, "No jackass, whenever you hug me you smell like vanilla! I just figured it was your soap or cologne or something, but apparently it's not. So the question is, who the hell have you been spending so much time with before you see me, so that you would smell like freakin' vanilla?"

Sean muttered something under his breathe, staring at the ground and looking completely lost. But from what I could hear, it sounded like he said "stupid Mindy".

"Did you just say Mindy?!"

"...sorta?..." he said, barely over a whisper.

"Wait, so Sean, what the hell are you saying?"

"I've..uh..sorta..kinda...been...cheatingonyouwithMindyforthepastthreemonths," he said the last part so fast, I barely caught it, but luckily, not so much for Sean, I did.

"You've been...cheating on me? With... Mindy?" I asked, hurt evident in my voice. Looking at him with hateful, hurt eyes, I felt a single tear escape my right eye and I reluctantly wiped it away before anymore could spill. "How could...I just...but we..." I stuttered feeling like a helpless fool. After sighing heavily I was able to get the words, "We're through" out of my mouth.

I shoved past him, not daring to look him in the eyes. Afraid that if I did, I would feel so much rage that I would do something I'd regret.

Apparently, Sean just wasn't being smart at all today, because he grabbed my upper arm and spun me around. "Ray, look I'm sorry! Please, don't do this," he said the last part in a pleading voice.

Can you believe him?! He cheats on me with my enemy and he expects me to not dump his sorry ass? What the hell is wrong with him?

"Get the hell off of me Sean, its over." I pulled away.

Once again, he grasped my wrist and forced me to look at him.

He's so pathetic...

"Ray, just give me a second to -" His stupidity was really starting to piss me off. This guy thinks he can cheat on me with Mindy Parker, and still be with me? What is his deal? He knows how much I despise Mindy as it is, and he does this?!

So before he could finish his pathetic plea, I balled my fist up in anger, and with as much force as I could muster up, I punched Sean in the throat. Square in his Adam's apple, directly on point, causing him to crouch over and gasp for air.

As he was hunched over, hands over throat, struggling to breathe, I kicked him in his knee causing him to topple completely over. Then I called him every curse word I could think of, then, right before I ran, I exclaimed, "And for your information, I smell like peach blossoms and cherries, you jerk!" Then I ran before he could regain his posture.

I can't believe I just dumped a guy because he was stupid enough to mix up his smells. What a great way to start off my summer vacation....not.
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Thanks so much to the two that commented.! and thanks so much for those who read and subscribed. ill add another chapter right now. this one is sorta a filler.