Status: active =]

These Words Are Choking Me Slowly

What's He Up to Now?

There he was. Liam Lewis.

Liam. My ex-best friend. I hadn’t spoken to him for two whole years. Not since the incident. The incident that changed my life forever. The reason that I now hate Liam.

After staring at him for about 20 seconds straight; he finally broke and looked away.

He did always used to budge first I thought. He’d never been able to beat me at anything since we were 7 years old.

Thinking of those days always made me kind of sad. Thinking about all our old history together; all the good times, and our bad ones…

Once the bus pulled up in front of my school, Cristal Lake High, I leaped out of my seat and dashed towards the bus doors as fast as my long legs would let me.

While in my rush to get of the bus and away from him, my book bag got caught onto one of the bus doors’ handle.

Turning around to unlatch my bag I ran into something hard. Looking up, I saw that the hard thing I had run into was Liam’s chest.

“Shit. Sorr-” I began, stopping myself from apologizing to him.

He never said ‘sorry’ to me, so why should I to him? …Even if it was my fault.

“Umm… let me help you with that.” He said, untangling my book bag in one swift move of his hand.

“Yeaa… than-” Once again, I stopped myself from thanking him. He didn’t deserve my gratitude. “Ummm… okay then.” With that, I hopped off of the bottom step of the bus and began walking.

“What? No ‘thanks’?” I heard someone who sounded like Liam exclaim.

Not really caring whether or not he was referring to me, I continued to walk away.

“Hey. Rainbow, I’m talking to you,” the same obnoxious voice said, but this time the voice was much closer. It almost sounded like he was right behind me…

Turning around, I realized that he was behind me, quickly drawing closer and closer in step with me. Rolling my eyes, I faced forwards again and continued to walk. Then, I realized what he had called me. Rainbow.

Stopping completely, I turned to him. “What the hell did you just call me, Lewis?” I asked with the bitchiest voice I could muster up.

Openly grimacing when I called him ‘Lewis’, he replied calmly, “I called you Rainbow, Rainbow. Why?”

He was acting all too calm for my liking. I mean, we haven’t spoken for years, and all of a sudden, he’s not avoiding me and calling me ‘Rainbow’ again? Is he stupid or has he forgotten that we completely hate each other?

“…Yeaa. No. Okay, what the hell is your deal? I hate you. And you hate me. Now remember that…and go away.” After saying that, I walked away. We hate each other. It’s been that way for a while now. So why did he just speak to me?

Oh crap. I wonder what he’s up to… Knowing him...

I shook off all thoughts of Liam and kept walking until I reached the spot that me and my best friend Erin had agreed on meeting at. I just hope that Liam won’t bother me again while I’m with Erin. Because I know Erin, and that defiantly would not be pretty.

It was too bad that Liam seemed to read my mind and apparently wanted to make a scene.
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Short, I know. I promise the next couple of chapters get longer and longer.
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