Status: active =]

These Words Are Choking Me Slowly

An Angry Erin.

I’m glad he didn’t bother following me. I thought as I kept walking. For a moment, I had actually thought he’d come after me this time. But then again, why would he?He didn’t come after me two years ago when I first stopped talking to him. He never really did care about our friendship anyways.

Shaking all thoughts of Liam out of my head, I continued to walk until I reached the benches me and Erin had agreed to meet at.

Erin and I have been best buds for as long as I can remember. She’s been there for me since we met in the 3rd grade when she first moved to town. Remembering the day that Liam and I met her nearly brought tears to my eyes. We were such great friends back then; the three of us.

Biting back the stupid tears that threatened to rim my eyes, I shook my head.

That was a long time ago. Things have changed since then…people have changed.

Looking up to the sound of my voice being called, I saw Erin’s tall frame jogging towards me, arms spread wide.

“Raynie!” she shouted once she engulfed me into a giant bear hug, “I missed you, you dork!”

Slightly pulling away from the hug, I looked her over. She looked the exact same way she had three moths ago before she went to New York for the summer; gorgeous.

Jumping up and down a little, I squealed and wrapped my arms around her giving her another tight hug.

“I missed you too buddy!” I exclaimed pulling away from the hug and slinging my arm over her shoulders. “Now let’s go meet up with everyone else and catch up.

Grabbing her hand, we skipped to the spot that we’ve hung out at since the first day of freshman year. The skipping earned us a few side-glances that we easily ignored.

Settling down under the tree that we always sit at, we talked while we waited for the rest of our fiends to arrive. Right after I finished telling her about my little run-in with Liam, I heard that stupid voice again.

“Rainbow!” Liam exclaimed, happily, while walking towards us.

“Speak of an asshole, and he shall appear.” Erin muttered loud enough for Liam to hear as he got closer. She seemed to hate Liam more than I did sometimes. And trust me, that is a lot of hate.

The same year I stopped talking to Liam, Erin had tried to find out why for a while; but she gave up when she realized that I wouldn’t tell her. Then, after she spoke to Liam one day, she came to me drenched in what appeared to be Gatorade and completely pissed off.

Since that day, she’s hated his guts. I’m still not completely sure what they talked about that day, or why the hell she was soaked with Gatorade; but I knew that she didn’t want to talk about it, so I never pestered her to tell me.

“Oh,” Liam said, finally noticing Erin sitting next to me. “Umm…hi, Erin?”

“What the fuck do you want Liam?” Erin spat out.

Damn. A little harsh, but straight to the point I guess.

“Look, Erie-” He started, using her old nickname. The nickname that she’d only ever let him call her.

Bad choice, Lewis. I thought.

“Don’t. You. Dare call me that!” Erin shouted, clearly pissed. “You lost that privilege once you ditched us and became a total prick.” Taking a deep breath, she said, as calmly as I know she could, “Look. I don’t like you, and Rain here sure as hell doesn’t like you. So why the hell are you here?”

I knew that she didn’t like him- No hell, I knew that she hated him, but even I didn’t expect her to be that pissed. I mean, she looked like she was about ready to punch his face in.

“I’m here…” Liam began, pausing. After taking a deep breath, he continued, “I’m here to say I’m sorry.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks so much for all the support that you guys have given me!
This chapter is specailly dedicated to mischief.managed. for the sweet comment. =]
The comments really do inspire me to write more.


Songs Listened to While Writing-
"Stella" by All Time Low
"The Way We Talk" by The Maine