Status: active =]

These Words Are Choking Me Slowly

They Say "Time is How We Heal" LIES.

“I’m here to say I’m sorry.” Liam blurted out quickly.

“Well we don’t care why you’re here! Just lea— wait. You-you’re what?” Erin stuttered. Gawd. Sometimes, she gets a tad bit carried away when she’s telling people off.

Needless to say, she obviously didn’t expect him to say that. Neither of us did…

“You’re sorry for what?” she asked, playing dumb. I know Erin all to well. And I know that she won’t accept his apology unless he begs her to. I’m positive that the old Liam would’ve gotten on his knees and begged for our forgiveness if he had to. The new Liam…I’m not so sure about.

“Look Erin, I said I was sorry okay? You both know why. So stop being so damn difficult and accept the apology.” I know that he didn’t mean for it to come out so harshly; but it did. And that only seemed to piss Erin off more.

“Actually, Lewis, I know why you’re apologizing to me. But as for Raynie over here, I have no clue what the hell happened between you two. She won’t tell me. All I know is that if Raynie can’t even tell me, then it’s defiantly something beyond bad; it must’ve been horrible.

"I do know, however, that you were a complete jerk about what happened and avoided the both of us for two whole years. You were a jack ass for doing that then and you’re a jack ass now for thinking we’ll forget what you did.”

He just stared at Erin, stupidly, for about 20 seconds. Then he turned to me, “You never told her.” he said more than asked. For some reason, his voice sounded a little…sad.

“No shit, boy genius. What gave it away? Oh! Maybe the fact that she just told you.” I said, standing up. I grabbed my book bag, grabbed a confused Erin’s hand, and pulled her away from Liam with me.

I've heard the saying "time is how we heal." I've just realized that it's a complete lie! It's been two years since Liam betrayed me, and I'm not healed whatsoever. You think by now I'd be able to share this with my best friend. But I can't. This is my deepst, darkest secret.

And I can’t let Erin find out what happened. I just can’t. No one can ever know…
♠ ♠ ♠
Super short chapter, I know. But I havent updated in a while && i felt bad. For those who have actually read && commented && subscribed to this, YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME.! lolz thnx SO much. cause it's what motivates me to keep writting more && more. so thank you all.

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