Status: active =]

These Words Are Choking Me Slowly


“Look, Daniel, I’m trying to talk to my girlfriend. Now back the hell off, damn it.” Sean said, his voice filled with hatred.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up,” I said holding my hands out separating the two of them. “I am not your girlfriend. I haven’t been for the past summer.”

“Ohhhh. Burn!” I heard Erin scream from behind me, causing all our friends to laugh.

“Yea, Sean,” Daniel said, throwing his arm over my shoulders in a protective manner, “So go the hell away. Before I make you.”

Sean scoffed, “Puh-lease little Daniel, you couldn’t make me do anything. And, Raynie, if you would just stop being so damn stubborn and listen to me for a few moments, I could−”

“She. Doesn’t. Want. To. Talk. To you.” Danny said in a low threatening voice. He then removed his arm from my shoulders and took a step towards Sean. “Now leave.

“Fuck you, Lewis!’ Sean said shoving Daniel backwards.

Wrong move Sean, I thought.

“Raynie, come on, let’s just−”

Before he could finish his sentence, Danny punched him in the jaw. Then he tackled Sean to the floor and began to hit him in the face repeatedly.

“Danny, stop!” I shouted, trying to pry him off of Sean.

Right after I pulled him away from Sean, Sean jumped up and sucker-punched a distracted Daniel.

Turning back around, Daniel was tackled to the ground by Sean. Then they began punching each other on the floor while a crowd began to form around us.

Me, Erin, and Destiny were all screaming at them to stop, but our voices kept getting drowned out by the crowds encouraging chants. Stephanie had run to find her boyfriend, Grey, to try to help us separate them.

“Fuck!” I heard someone shout. Then the crowd began to move aside. “Danny, shit! Get the hell off of Sean!” Liam screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks so much for all the incouraging comments.! Especially to all the people who not only commented, but subscribed to(:

The commenters && subscribers all encourage me so much.! =]
