Status: active =]

These Words Are Choking Me Slowly

I Don't Care...

“Danny, shit! Get the hell off of Sean!” Liam screamed while lifting Daniel off of Sean while Danny struggled.

As Danny started to calm down, Sean jumped up from the ground and tried to swing at Danny. But before his fist could make contact with Daniel’s face, Liam caught it.

“Derik!” Liam called to some guy standing behind Sean, “Help, please.”

On cue, the guy, who I’m guessing is Derik, grabbed Sean and started to drag him away.

“Oh, no. I’m not done with him!” Daniel yelled, charging back towards Sean.

“Daniel!” Liam shouted, pulling him back again, “Stop it. Now.

He sounded kind of strict, yet understanding at the same time. Danny must’ve noticed this too because he immediately stopped struggling with his older brother and stood up straight.

“Okay,” Liam started once he was sure Danny wouldn’t lose it again, “What the hell possibly made you so pissed that you actually jumped on someone as buff and built as Sean David? I mean, you obviously kicked his ass and all, but still! You could’ve been seriously injured. What the hell got into you?!”

“That jackass freakin’ chea−”

Whoa! Liam didn’t need to know about that…

“Hah! Hey, Daniel! Mind if I talk to you for a second? Ya know, over there!” I yelled; interrupting him.

I didn’t want Liam to know that I got cheated on. It’s bad enough that it happened; I don’t need him knowing about it…It’s none of his business anyways.

“Uhh…yeah, sure Raynie.”

Walking a little away from where Liam, Erin, and Destiny were standing; we stopped.

“What is it Raynie?” Daniel asked curiously.

“Please, please, please don’t tell Liam about Sean and Mindy,” I pleaded.

“What? Why?” he said caught off guard.

“Because! It’s embarrassing enough that it happened. I don’t need him knowing about it. He’d probably laugh anyways.”

Danny just stared at me for a few seconds−more like years−before he spoke. “Raynie…look, I know that I don’t know what happened between you and Liam, but he would never do that to you. He still cares about you Raynie…”

Honestly, I was kind of surprised. I defiantly didn’t expect that.

Sighing, I said, “Danny, Liam hates me. Okay?”

He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.

“He does! But that’s okay because I hate him too.” I said stubbornly.

“Ray, trust me, he doesn’t hate you. Even after everything that's happened, he still cares for you…”

“How would you know, Danny?” I asked angrily. “You have no clue what went on. So how do you know he doesn’t hate me?”

“Because! He tol−” he stopped himself.

I gave him a suspicious look, “He what?”

“Uh, h−he…nothing,” he stuttered, clearly nervous.

I scoffed, “Yeah…whatever. Just, don’t say anything to him about me and Sean, okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” Danny said, sounding defeated. “But do you think that, maybe, you don’t want Liam to know because you care what he thinks?”

“Wh−What?” Well that certainly caught me off guard. “No way. Why would I care what Liam thinks? Yo−You’re crazy. I don’t care...” I said…slightly stammering.

Oh, Gawd. Maybe I do care what Liam thinks... Daniel’s crazy. I don’t care what Liam thinks. Do I? Nope…Why should I care what he thinks? I don’t. Yea…I don’t. Then why does it feel like I’m trying to convince myself that?

“Yea. Sure you don’t,” Daniel said smiling. Is it just me or did his voice have a sarcastic edge to it?

Whatever. Daniel’s crazy…I don’t care.

Playfully nudging Danny on the shoulder I said, “Come on buddy, let’s go.” Then I started to walk towards Liam and Erin…who kind of looked like they were arguing about something…

Sighing, I thought, Oh, Gawd. Here we go…
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was a little longer. =]

If I don't update for a while, it'll probably be because of some computer problems. So don't lose hope in me people.! I have the next chapter already started && I'll post it as soon as I can get back on my sister's laptop again. Remember: Comments are always appreciated && inspire me to write more.! =]

thanks for reading
