This Is My True Mask

You know you're just another one of my mistakes

Draco and I were sitting in Umbridge's office, not talking to one another. After forcing him to come here with me to talk to Lucius, he was even more mad at me. Lucius wasn't even looking at us. He had his fingers around his temples, messaging softly. I looked between Lucius and Draco, it seemed both were unfortunately set on not speaking. I had loads to talk about, like telling Draco that I was pregnant and I had to ask Lucius about his wife and him. It was really not my business, but I was curious to find out.

"So," I started, my eyes looking back to Lucius, "Snape told me something very interesting. About you and Na—"

"Yes, we'll speak about that later. I actually want to speak to Draco about that. If you would — wait in the classroom and we'll have a conversation after I'm done talking to Draco."

"Oh. . .alright then. Sure."

I got out of my chair and made my way down to the classroom, shutting the door quietly behind me. I looked around the silent and dim classroom. I sighed to myself and sat down on one of the desks. I sat there for about five minutes of just swinging my feet and listening to the silence in the room. How bored I was getting. I leaned back till I was laying on my back. Over me had been part of the dragon skeleton. I had always found dragons interesting creatures. If I could someday study them — that'd be more than amazing. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to do something in magizoology. Yeah, sure, I might be having a baby at sixteen and that might make it hard to do what I want — but that's not going to stop me.

As I kept thinking, I didn't notice someone else was in the room until they had been draping their body over mine. I blinked and looked up at their face. What was Bryce doing here? I gave him a confused look and before I knew it, He was licking my neck softly. I shuddered underneath him. "What're you doing here, Bryce?"

"The question is why are you here? And an empty is quite kinky."

"Bryce, get off me, I'm waiting for Lucius and Draco to finish talking."

"I'm sure you can squeeze me in."

I placed my hands on his shoulders, trying to push him off. He wouldn't get off. I felt him sink his teeth into my skin. I struggled more. Either he was cursed or drunk. This wasn't like Bryce at all. Sure, he might have been a manwhore and slept around, but if you said no, he'd back off. "Bryce, stop. What's wrong with you? Did you have something to drink? Come on, get off me." I said calmly. If this were someone else, I would had been freaking out, but I knew Bryce since first year. He was almost harmless to girls.

"Bryce, I believe she said get off." Draco walked over to us and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him off of me. "Get your arse out of here and back to the common room, I rather Slytherin not lose points because you were bored and wanted a drink. Draco's cold eyes travelled over to me. "Father wants to speak with you now."

"Right. . .yeah. . ." I hopped off the desk and made my way to the door that lead to Professor Umbridge's office. I hesitantly opened the door and walked in with the door being slammed shut behind me. I gasped a little not expecting Lucius to be right there and slam the door as soon as I entered. I blinked while looking up at him. His eyes met mine and in an instant — I was up against the door with Lucius' lips on mine. I was about to push him away when I found my arms wrapped around the back of his neck, pressing my body to his. How I forgot how wonderful his lips felt against mine. I closed my head while tilting my head. I felt him lean down and placed his hands under my thighs, lifting me up; the door being support. I wrapped my legs around his waist without hesitation. He bit my lip and I groaned slightly. Why did I really wait this long? Over two months without doing anything with Lucius — how could I not realize that it was just plain torture?

I did the most stupidest thing I could possibly do at that moment — I pulled back from the kiss. "Lucius. . .didn't we have things to talk about?"

"Mn. . ." his head was buried in my neck as I tried to talk to him. This was going to be hard. "We can talk after we have sex. . ." he growled softly in my ear while he made his way from my neck to my earlobe, licking at it playfully. Why was this man torturing me?

I bit my lip and tried to continue, "Lucius. . .I want to talk first. Then we can have as much sex as you want." I knew that would get him to stop and take up my offer — I wasn't complaining one bit about that, either.

Slowly, I saw his face once more, with a slight frown. "What on earth is so important that we can't have sex now?" I don't think he processed the offer because within the next thirty seconds, he spoke once more, "oh, okay, yes. Talking first it is." He gave my lips a soft kiss before setting me down. I giggled and kissed him back.

I couldn't help but to smile as I sat across from him, "so what did you talk to Draco about?"

"I didn't tell him about you being pregnant. We have a few months before you start showing and he has a lot to deal with before we ease that news into there. But, among what else I talked to him about, he should start acting less of. . .a pompous fuck towards you. I told him I would not tolerate this behaviour anymore."

"Thanks. . ." I looked down before back at him. "I know this isn't really any of my business, but Professor Snape did mention that you and Narcissa are getting a divorce, is that true?"

I saw his eyes gaze down at the papers in front of him. He let out an almost silent sigh. "Yes, we are. Her and I have been talking and we both agree there's no point in staying in our marriage if both of us just keep cheating one another. She's moving out by the end of the month and in with her sister while I stay at the manor and I'll be divorced by the end of two months time. Now, I have a question for you." I said nothing as he told me about his question. I just nodded in approval to ask. "Are you still planning on getting rid of the baby?"

"I. . ." I didn't know what I was planning to do. How was I to tell my father? He and his stupid bitch of a wife would most likely kick me out. What was I to do then? Move out and move in with Lucius? I couldn't think straight. I had always told myself that I would get away from Death Eaters — and what had I done? Got myself involved with a Death Eater.

"Father. . .he's probably going to kick me out. . . . Want nothing to do with me and cut me off. I want to study maybe dragons, maybe chimeras or maybe even the giant squid in the Black Lake, who knows. I want to do something in magizoology. I want to make something of my life."

"And you will."

"What do you mean I will?"

"If your father does so, I will be moving you into the manor and I can fund anything you want to study and make our child's life more than comfortable."

"Lucius. . .it's too kind. I know you have money, but I don't want it spent on me."

"We'll just see about that. Christmas holidays — where do you plan on staying?"

"Oh. . .uh. . .home? Maybe Bret's for a few days?"

"I don't exactly like your friend, but you two are more than welcome staying for the holidays. Now, do we have anything left to discuss?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Good. Now get over here."

I smirked deviously before getting out of my chair quickly and into Lucius' lap. This night was something that I had secretly wanted for the past two months.
♠ ♠ ♠
Narcissa's first affair was with Thorfinn Rowle.

This is a lot shorter than what I had planned.
This is what I get for starting it one day and waiting another day to finish and forgetting somethings I wanted to write.

You Are So Beautiful- Escape The Fate
