This Is My True Mask

There will be a hidden message about a boy that loves a girl

It was the Saturday of Hogsmeade and I was getting ready. Even though Lucius and I already found out that we were having a son, he informed me that he would take me out for the day in Hogsmeade. Today was going to be an extremely lazy day for me. I was too tired to really take my time and dress up. A pair of light grey jeans, black-and-grey stripped long sleeved shirt, a light grey pea-coat, grey scarf and black flats would make up for my lazy day. Nothing better than relaxing with the father of your child.

Down at Hogsmeade, I waited for Lucius to Apparate there. He was almost ten minutes late as I placed my jacket on the chair and walked over to the counter to order a firewhiskey and butterbeer for me. The waiter looked at me with a quizzical expression as I asked for the firewhiskey considering I was under-age. Just then, Lucius walked by the door and found me in an instant. He confirmed the firewhiskey was for him and I directed him to where I had gotten a table. After about a minute, the waiter gave me the drinks and I started over to the table when I realized someone's chair was in the way.

"Oi, care to move your chair? You're in the way."

"Why would I move for your fat arse?"

Really? I just had to pick the table that was right next to Pansy and Zambini's. "Move before I spill these drinks over you, Pansy. I'm not in the mood for you today."

"Are you really that fat that you have two drinks for yourself? I mean blimey, how much weight have you gained?"

"If you look to your left you'll see that someone's sitting alone and waiting for their drink as well as me."

Pansy glanced over to her left and found Lucius sitting there tapping his finger impatiently and raising his eyebrow at her. "What're you? The Malfoy's new charity case?"

"Really? Charity case?" I shoved her chair with my hip out of the way and placed the two drinks on the table. I walked over to Lucius and mimicked his smirk — he had been listening. I leaned in and kissed him deeply. He smirked even more and kissed back while placing a hand on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss even more. I wish I could have seen the look on her face when I kissed him. But I did see the shocked look place on her face when I pulled back from the kiss. "So, what were you saying about a charity case? Now if you don't mind, Pansy, I'd like to get back to my date with my boyfriend." I sat down across from Lucius and sighed as I heard her get up and leave.

"What a show you put on, Miss Valentine."

"Why thank you, Mr. Malfoy. I'm sure she's been over your place before, how do you even let her walk in? I can't stand her. She's been this much of a bitch since first year."

"Personally, I always hide myself away in my study when Draco has girls over. I rather not be around and I have met her a few times. Seemed unpleasant and a pompous sod everytime."

I could feel people staring at us and hear people whispering as I sipped my butterbeer peacefully. "Looks like I'll be the talk of the entire school. Oh well. So, how's it been with no one at the manor?"

"Horrible. I miss having you around. It's completely boring and the only thing to do is work."

"Hm. . .Xavier."

"I beg your pardon? Did you just call me by another man's name?" Lucius had a look of disgust on his face which only made me giggle.

"No, you bampot. Names."

"For what?"

"For the baby! You don't want your son to have no name, do you?"

We had continue to have a good time in the Three Broomsticks. A lot of people that had came in and that were already there had done nothing but talk about how someone his age — and Draco's father nonetheless — was dating me. I found all the talk to be funny as did he. I told him if I were to be his girlfriend finally, I didn't want to hide it from the world. I was proud of being his girlfriend — proud to be his.

A long day it was. Filled with shopping and eating as much as I could from Honeydukes. It was nice being with him. Who ever knew I could act the way I did around him. And who would ever even stop to think of Lucius Malfoy being nice to someone. To everyone else, he was cold. But I think I got to him, underneath his skin where he let no one else. Not even Narcissa or Draco. He treated me like I was his world. I never felt so special — so loved.

I walked with Lucius and Professor Snape back to the castle before Lucius went back to Hogsmeade to Apparate home. I yawned when we were half way there. My back was killing me as were my feet and I had been unbelievably tired. Lucius noticed seeing as he was soon standing in front of me.

"What?" I looked up at him as Snape stopped to see what we were stopping for.

"You look as if you're about to fall asleep walking."

"Well, I might. I don't see why that's a problem."

"That might be a problem." He turned around so his back was facing me and made me get on his back. Lucius Malfoy giving someone a piggy-back ride? Amazement! Everyone else thought so when he was carrying me all the way to the dungeons, to the common room.

When we arrived, Dorea ran up to us, screaming and asking if I was okay. I pretended to be asleep still with my head on his shoulder and my eyes closed. Lucius, in a rather monotone voice told her that I was just tired and couldn't walk the remainder. After what I'm guessing was staring at each other for a few moments, he asked her to show him the way to my dormitory.

There was a sound of a door closing quietly before a voice spoke up, "come on. I know you're not asleep. Let's get you into bed, shall we?" He sat down and I got off his back.

"I just want to change into something warm. After, can we sit out by the fire for a bit?"

"Alright. I haven't been in the common room for quite sometime, anyways." Lucius left and waited for me patiently on the couch.

I got changed into some Slytherin pyjamas and made my way gracefully over to the couch, once I did, I sat down next to Lucius and placed my legs over his lap while resting my head on his shoulder. His arm snaked around me and settled on the side of my lower stomach. My hands fumbled with something on his coat while the two of us sat in silence in front of the fire, the sounds of fellow Slytherins seeking every corner in the room.

I looked up when Graham Montague, our new Quidditch captain, stood in front of us. He looked questionably at Lucius before turning to me. "I just heard from Draco, is he right when he said you won't be playing on the team this year?"

I let out a sigh, oh how I wanted to. "In my condition, I can't. It's too risky."

"But you're our best chaser along with Chase! You're as fast as Draco, we need you on the team."

"Well, you still have Bret. He's one of our best chasers like you said. All I can say is hold try outs and I'll be able to return next year."

"This is bad. . ." Graham walked away while Lucius glanced at me.

"I didn't know you play Quidditch."

"She's real good, mate. Just as good as I am and we're the best Slytherin's seen for a while." Bret sat down on a chair near us. "Not to mention the first girl to make the team in quite a few years."

"Okay, listen. It's not a big deal, it's just a hobby. Only reason I really do it is because my mum always wanted me to get on the team and show that a girl could do it and it was her favourite thing to play with us."

"And I'm sure you make her proud." Lucius kissed my temple softly and smiled slightly. Why was he the only one who always knew what to say when I needed it?
♠ ♠ ♠
Bryony played Quidditch on the Slytherin team since 1993, the year after her mother's death.

Sorry, the end is kinda a filler.
But now it's out about Lucius and Bry! ;)
Bryony's outfit for Hogsmeade
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Anyone else see Alice in Wonderland?
I loved it as you can tell from my profile. ;)
And anyone else go to the Harry Potter Exhibit?
I wish I went more than once, I wanna go back so much and see all the Quidditch stuff!

There Is- Boxcar Racer
