This Is My True Mask

You know I never should have stayed

I was sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall minding my own business as Dorea and Draco were talking about some date that he wanted to take her on. I was happy for her, so far, Draco was treating her nicely and he didn't cheat on her — as far as we knew. And if I found out that he did, there would be a price to pay. Particularly me ripping off his dick. The two of them had seemed so happy. Not only was I happy for Dor, but I was happy for Draco. I was quite tired of seeing him bounce from girl to girl.

I awaited my daily morning letter from Lucius as I munched on some toast. I wasn't all that hungry this morning. I felt the baby kick and it made me quite queasy. Not the feeling — but where ever he was moving, my stomach did not appreciate it. The entire school knew I was pregnant by this time. Seeing as I was five months pregnant and I had been excused from classes a few times to go to St. Mungo's for check-ups, people had been talking. I didn't really mind. I wasn't ashamed of it. I was proud to be carrying Lucius' child. I wouldn't want to carry anyone else's child.

The noise of owls hooting and flapping their wings entered the Great Hall as everyone began to look for their own or family owl. I didn't see an eagle owl this morning and nor did one make an appearance. Huh, that was odd. Lucius wrote me a letter every morning. Maybe he had been too busy to write me one or maybe he had slept in — or maybe he was sick. I hope he wasn't sick. I wouldn't be able to make him feel better, though we did have various House Elves to do that for him.

Dorea looked over at me and frowned, "no daily morning letter from Lucius?"

"No." I frowned before smiling, "he probably just slept in or something. I'm sure I'll get one later on today. It's not a big deal at all, really. I don't mind. He is a busy man, after all with being a Ministry official, I guess."

"Bryony, we're having try-outs for the Quidditch team this Saturday for a new chaser since our replacement for you is no longer allowed to play on the team, as captain, I could always take in a few good words from someone I believe would have good taste. Would you like to help me decide who would be good for the team?" Graham appeared out of no where, giving me a hoping look.

"Sure, I'll be there."

The rest of the week, I had only gotten at least two letters from Lucius, mind you it was Monday when he first started not sending them. I was getting worried. Never did he mention in the letters why he hadn't been sending them as often as he did and I didn't bother to ask more than once. The first time I asked, he didn't tell me and all he did was ignore the question.

Saturday was here and I dressed in loose jeans and a Slytherin jumper. I took my Nimbus 2001 and headed down to the Quidditch pith. Ironic thing — Lucius was the one who bought the broom for me in 1993; he did for the entire Quidditch team.

As Graham made the people who were trying out do laps around the pitch, I stared out into space, thinking about what could possibly make Lucius not talk to me as often. I'm sure that I hadn't said anything to upset him. I said nothing out of the ordinary. It couldn't have been something I said. I'm one-hundred percent positive.

I blanked out even more as a sort of vision popped into my head.

Lucius was having tea with a guest in the Malfoy Manor. Their back was turned as he smiled at the woman and grabbed her hand, smiling even more. "I missed you. I truly did. Why don't we forget the past and let everything go back to normal, please? I want you back in my life."

"What about your silly little sixteen-year-old girlfriend?" The voice had been rather familiar as they flipped their shiny hair over their shoulders.

"Bryony?" He spat as he laughed, "do you
really think she was going to last long? She's bloody annoying and nothing but a joyride. I'm done with her and stopped acting like a fool. She had her fun and now it's time to run back to her little father. Do you really think I want to take more crap from the Dark Lord because of her taking up my time? Or people in the Ministry whispering about me? I don't think so. I could lose my job because of her, it's not worth it. Thinking of loving someone as pompous and childish as her — it's disgusting — repulsive. That unborn child is a foolish mistake and shouldn't even take a breath from her womb. It is no child of mine."

"Lucius, do you really mean every word?"

"Why, my dear," he leaned across the table and kissed her deeply, "wouldn't our dear son want his parents together and be a real family? Not a down right laugh?"

A small chuckle came from the lips of Narcissa as she kissed his knuckles softly. "My dear Lucius, are you proposing something?"

"Yes, I am. After I get rid of the silly girl, would you, Narcissa Black, consider to marry a wanker such as myself after a horrid mistake?"

"I think you'll have to earn that, Lucius."

He got up and led her over to where he once had shared a room with her, the infamous Malfoy smirk more than plastered on his face. "Why don't I earn it with physical means?"

I heard people a guy's voice shout as I blinked a few times and realized what was going on. I was falling in the air and from rather high up. I attempted to scream but nothing came out. Not a shout — not a sound. My vision blurred as tears escaped my eyes. Had that been true? Was Lucius, at the moment, with Narcissa doing unnamed things? Could he really be taking her back? My eyes slammed shut as someone caught me at the last minute only to be five feet above the ground. Bret held me tight against him and I didn't respond to his attempts to ask if I was all right. The only response he got was me gripping onto his jersey and crying.

Bret and Graham had forced me to go to the hospital wing for shock and to make sure I was all right. I spoke to no one but Bret about what I had seen. We couldn't figure out why I had seen it, but nonetheless, nothing could take that out of my mind. Dorea and Draco had just arrived when someone burst through the door, shouting and asking where I was.

Lucius found my bed and briskly walked up to me. "Severus just owled me and told me what happened. Please tell me you're okay, Bryony."

"What the bleeding fucking hell are you doing here?"

"What do you mean why am I here? I'm checking to make sure you and our son are all right."

"What the fuck do you care if our son is all right? It's not a child of yours, remember?!" I shouted as I'm sure my face was growing red with anger. I didn't care at this point. How dare he.

"No child of mine? What on earth are you talking about? You told me that child was mine!"

"Listen, you don't want to be with me and I'm nothing but a 'joyride.' So why don't you run along to your little soon-to-be wife and get the fuck out of here?!"

"Did she get hit in the head? What's gotten into her?" Lucius looked at Draco. Why was he denying all of this? I surely knew what was happening. I knew finally why he hadn't been sending me letters.

"Here, I'll make it easier for you — we're done, Lucius Malfoy. We're done. Over. Never to be again. I don't want anything to do with you, now go! You're nothing but a lying, cheating, bloody piece of rubbish!" He stared at me in shock, "GO!"

Madam Pomfrey had rushed over and forced him to leave the hospital wing. I had broken down into tears again as Dorea sat on the bed, rubbing my arm and Bret pulled me into his fit arms, trying to soothe me. I could hear Draco yell for his father and run out the hospital wing. I hopped to never see the likes of Lucius again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lucius' full name is Lucius Abraxas Malfoy.

Well, updated this cuz Alex was being all BLAH and I wanna cheer her up.
For anyone who wants to know what the majority of the things in the Harry Potter Exhibit were.
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They make me wanna write more!

You Are So Beautiful- Escape The Fate
