This Is My True Mask

Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it

Lucius waited a few days before sending me another letter. I didn't read it seeing as I set it on fire as soon as I laid eyes on the handwriting. I wasn't going to read it. Fuck him. He got what he wanted. We were done. My days were being horribly spent. I was either crying or talking to everyone with a straight face and no emotion. Was this how a sociopath felt like?

I sat in potions, counter-clockwise stirring my potion. I had never been great at the subject. Charms was my perfect subject. Professor Snape walked over to my cauldron and peered into it. He let out a sigh and looked at me. "I need to see you in my office a half an hour before dinner. Do not miss it."

"Yes, professor." I looked at him, a bored look upon my face. The same look peered back down into the cauldron that Snape had just sighed at. I gazed over at Bret and told him that I couldn't finish the potion — I wasn't up to it.

Just as Snape had instructed, I was in his office down in the dungeon near the Slytherin common room at the time he requested. As soon as I walked in, I had noticed a certain someone that I had not wanted to be near. I started walking out. "Sit. Now." Snape commanded as I turned back. I listened to the instructions and looked at him with a once more emotionless face.

"Could I leave, professor?" my monotone voice filling the room. I felt Lucius look at me with disdain and concern.

"No, now what is the meaning of what happened in the hospital wing?"

"Nothing. I know about him wanting to get married to Narcissa once more. I know that he cheated on me. I know everything."

"Seriously, Severus, did she get hit on the head and you didn't tell me? What she is going on about is rubbish. Only time I talk to Narcissa is when she contacts me and wants to see how Draco is doing."

"There's no use in lying to me. You think I'm childish and pompous and think it's repulsive to be with me."

"Bryony, you're acting childish right now! I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."

"Ms. Valetine," Snape spoke up, eyeing me and letting out a sigh, "do you know what Veritaserum is?"

"Truth serum, why?"

"If I were to give enough to Lucius to spill his deepest and innermost secrets, would you stop this nonsense, you silly little girl?"

"I. . ." I paused. Would I? "I-I guess I would. . ."

Snape passed the Veritaserum to Lucius and sighed deeply once more. You could tell he didn't want to be bothered with something as this. "What is your name?" Snape looked at Lucius.

"Lucius Abraxas Malfoy."

"What is your birthdate?"

"29 October, 1954."

"Have you ever cheated on me?" I said abruptly, cutting the professor off.

"Not once."

"Last time you saw Narcissa, when was it?"

"Day after Christmas when she came to visit Draco."

"Why haven't you been writing letters to me?" I asked with a frown. So maybe he didn't cheat on me, but then what was that I saw?

"I've been busy with the Dark Lord."

"Are you done now, Miss Valentine?"

"Wait! I have one more question. . . . I know this is unfair to ask you, Lucius. But with all this happening, I need to know. Do you. . .Do you love me?"

"I do." His smile was warm as his expression was. Was Lucius Malfoy truly smiling? Screw this, I couldn't take it anymore. I got out of my seat and quickly over to Lucius. My lips were attached to his in a matter of seconds. In those seconds, all the worry in the world had disappeared. It was like this entire stupid thing had just melted away.

A cough filled the room as my cheeks burned a crimson red while I pulled back from Lucius. I had forgotten Snape right there. I sat back down in my chair, trying to hide my face.

"And now, since this is all over, Bryony, you need to tell us exactly what you saw."

And as Snape ordered from me, I told them the entire vision with every detail upon what I saw. Lucius was outraged and Professor Snape just stared nonchalantly. The details were hard, I wanted to cry from what I had to tell again. I hated it. Just the thought of him cheating on me when I was finally feeling like this about someone when I never expected to — I didn't know what to make of myself.

"It seems the Dark Lord or someone is trying to get between you two. Lucius, my dear friend, may I suggest Occlumency lessons for her? I doubt you'd want to deal with everytime she sees something."

Lucius looked at me and sighed before looking back at the professor, "please."

"Get up, you silly girl. You're in for a rude awakening."
♠ ♠ ♠
Severus Snape is the most skilled Occlumens to ever live whereas the Dark Lord is the most skilled Legilimens of all time.

Really shitty and all that jazz.
Sorry guys, but I have a writer's block!
Hopefully I'll be back and writing soon, cuz my other fans of my other stories are getting pissed..
Here's a funny picture about pretty fgt dying.
I need a v and an r, please.
It is not.
There, to make up for the crappiness in quality.
I'll probably be posting up some funny pictures I find in every chapter considering I have a lot.

Never gonna give you up- Rick Astley
