This Is My True Mask

And I was taken but you were waiting, one more drink and I'm convinced

"Bloody hell this place is huge. . ." said I under my breath.

I walked around the library whilst wondering when Lucius was going to show up. Something needed to keep me busy. My pale, delicate fingers grabbed a book off the shelf. This would keep me entertained for a bit. I never seemed like the type to read, but I was a sucker for romantic novels. I settled into a couch that was facing the window opposite of the door. Since I couldn't see when Lucius would be walking up the stairs and into the room, I kept my ears open.

As I got comfortable on the couch, I opened the book that I had gotten for my entertainment. Dark Magic, A History. Another thing I loved to read about. I had know what a Death Eater was and that my father was one since I was five years old.

"Mummy, why does Daddy have that mark on his arm? Daddy won't tell me. He covered it up and told me to go to my room."

Dorea was sitting on my mother's lap. Dorea was almost four and I had turned five a few months previous. As soon as the words left my soft lips, her eyes widened. "M-mark? I surely don't know what you're talking about, dear."

My father kissed my mother's head before sitting on the chair next to him. "Bryony, love, she might as well know now. She's already seen the mark, there's no hiding it. Now we won't have to lie to her until she's seventeen."

"I don't want to raise my children like that, Vic. . ."

"I'll handle this, Bry."

I looked between my mother and father. What in Merlin's name could be so bad about that mark?

"Bryony," this time he was talking to me, "pumpkin, daddy's mark is a mark for who I work for."

"Why would the person you work for mark you?"

"Well, it's a way of showing our loyalty to him and it's also his way of letting us when we need to pay him a visit." I was incredibly smart for a five-year-old. I understood everything that poured out of his mouth.

"So who's your boss, Daddy?"

He gulped before looking at Mum. "The Dark Lord."

I continued to read at a steady pace while the time prolonged. I really do wish he would hurry it up. I was getting a little fidgety after ten minutes. I had always been on the impatient side. That in mind, I got up and walked over to the window. I looked at the garden — at least tried to. It was rather dark out, clouds were dancing in the sky and covering the moon from all peering eyes. Almost instantly after I blinked my eyes once, the sound of someone's foot steps travelled up the stairs and pervaded the silent library. I didn't dare to make a sound — not even to turn the page.

A man made his way over to the couch gradually after shutting the library door behind them. I didn't know who it was before I slowly turned around. Even if I had a very good idea to whom the steps belonged to. I couldn't help but to smirk as I saw the long, platinum-blond hair. The desk in the middle of the library was no longer covered by just papers and books — I sat in the edge of the desk, my eyes in Lucius' direction. My legs swayed slowly as I waiting for him to get closer to me.

"Why hello there, Mr. Malfoy."

"Good evening, Ms. Valentine. Now, why have you wandered to this library of mine?" He said in a rather silky voice. He put his walking stick on a small desk and came closer and closer to me.

"Just. . .for a stroll." I smirked my famous smirk once more, moving my body a little so my skirt pushed up slightly more. I had nice legs, I wasn't afraid to admit it. It seemed Mr. Malfoy agreed as he was looking at my legs before glancing back up at me.

"A stroll, hm? And how has your stroll been?" Nearer and nearer, he approached.

"Quite refreshing. You know," I looked around the room, "your Manor is quite pulchritudinous."

"Big vocabulary?" asked Lucius as he stopped in front of me, gazing in my direction. I could see his lips twitch slightly, itching to lick themselves.

"I'm sure that's not the only big thing in this room." I giggled out, cocking my head to the side. Come on, Bryony. Just flirt a little more and he won't be able to take the flirting one bit anymore and BAM, home run.

"Are you sure about that?" I could see his body inching closer to mine and he was already pretty close.

I let my eyes roam around his body before meeting his pale ones once more. "I would have to say I'm almost positive on that. But there's really only one way to find out, don't you agree?"

"I would have to agree, Ms. Valen—"


Lucius slowly begun to leaned down and brushed my hair off my shoulder. I couldn't help but to shudder as I felt a pair of cold lips press voluptuously against my newly exposed bare neck. With a newly formed smirk upon my lips, I tilted my head ever-so-slightly to expose more skin to him as he nibbled my neck. "Mn. . . . You certainly took your time."

"Patience is a virtue."

"Yes, maybe sometimes. . ." My hands snaked their way from his chest to the top button on his shirt. As I quickly started to fumble with the buttons and unbutton them, I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him as close as I could to me. "But right now, time is an issue, Mr. Malfoy."

"That it is, Bryony."

His lips crashed into mine vehemently as he helped me with his shirt. In a matter of seconds, his shirt was draping over one of the chairs and he was working on my dress. Without hesitation, I pushed him back slightly, shoving my dress off. Our lips never parted. At the most wrong time, there was a noise coming up the stairs leading to the library.

My eyes went wide as I pulled back from the kiss and looked at Lucius. He stayed calm. From his appearance, I'd say it was rare that he wouldn't be calm. His hand automatically grabbed his wand on the library desk and flicked it while pointing it at the door. Thank God for magic. The door was locked.

As the noise of the feet travelled back down the stairs, I rushed over to him, grabbing a hold of his belt and unbuckling it. Next was the button and zippier. "Now, why don't we hurry up and get these clothes off you. I think your clothes would flatter you on the floor."
♠ ♠ ♠
Lucius Malfoy is forty-one-years-old.

Here's my song that I wrote a version to the rap, Crank Dat Superman.
It's only a piece:
Voldemort up in da hoe
Watch me cast It
Watch me roll
Watch me cast dat Voldemort
den Cruccio dat hoe
Now watch me yuuuuuuuuuh
(Cast dat Voldemort)
Now watch me yuuuuuuuuuh
(Cast dat Voldemort)
Now watch me yuuuuuuuuuh
(Cast dat Voldemort)
Now watch me yuuuuuuuuuh
(Cast dat Voldemort)

Voldemort up in da hoe
Watch me hex and watch me curse
Cruccio dat hoe
Then watch me cast dat Imperio
Super mean, now watch me control
Killin' on dem Mudbloods, man
When I do dat Voldemort
I curse to the left and cast dat spell
(Now Yuuuuuuuuuuh)
I'm killin' on yo Muggle ass
And if we get to duelin
Den I'm hexing on yo Muggle ass
You catch me at yo Malfoy Manor
Yes I cast it everyday
Aurors get mad cuz
I got me some follower names

Control- Metro Station
