This Is My True Mask

Just kiss me baby

Pecking could be heard from Bret's window once again. Bret pulled back from the kiss and sighed, looking over to the window. This time it wasn't the Malfoy owl. It was my family's owl. His eyebrows furred slightly as he got off of me and walked over to the window.

"What does your family want?"

"I don't know. They never owl me when I'm over here."

"The one time they do, they pick the worst time."

I smiled slightly, grabbing his shirt and putting it back on. I lethargically got out of the bed and gradually made my way over to Bret. He had already gotten the letter and begun a staring contest with my owl. Without even glancing in my direction, he turned his arm back and held it in the air, waiting for me to grab it out of his hand. When I did, I walked closer to him and kissed his shoulder softly before almost hitting him in the face to make him blink.

"No! You made me blink! Now I bloody lost to that damn fluff ball! As soon as that owl's gone, you're dead."

"Oh, of course I am," I chimed, sitting at his desk once more to write and reply to the letter I received from my family.


Draco invited us to stay at his Manor for a few days. "Mother" and Father already said we could go. Write back with a reply if you want to go. We'll be heading over there at 4PM tomorrow. Oh, and Draco's going to a party tomorrow night and we're both welcome to come.


I dipped Bret's quill in the ink and quickly scribbled a reply, Of course I'd love to go. I'll be home at noon tomorrow. See you then. I gave the reply to our owl and pat his head a couple times before he took flight. I looked at Bret while I sat on the edge of his bed and looked at him. I knew he was plotting something, but I couldn't figure it out.

Bred gave me a malicious smirk before tackling me on the bed. I let out a scream and a laugh as he nibbled at my neck, one of his hands roaming the inside of the shirt I was wearing. "Oh, you're going to pay for making me blink."

"Am I going to be spanked?" I asked with a fake pout.

"Oh, but you are. Now come here!" said Bret as I got out from underneath him and ran to another side of the room.

We arrived at the Malfoy Manor at five past four. We were greeted by Lucius and Draco. Draco ushered us upstairs, but I said I was thirsty and a little hungry. Draco said to ask the House Elves for whatever I wanted and to meet them in his room. I nodded and made my way to the kitchen. Inside I found no House Elves, probably most of them being told not to go in there, but Lucius inside. I gave him a genuine smile as I slowly walked over to him. I was glad I got to see him again. He was, after all, a very good lover, for shagging. If I had to be bound to one guy for the rest of my life, I think I'd gouge my bloody eyes out.

"Why hello, Mr. Malfoy. Long time no see."

"Too long," he commented as I stood in front of him. His strong arms pulled me close while pulling me into a deep kiss full of lust. I smiled in the kiss before deepening the kiss and letting our tongues dance together. He lifted me up like I weighed absolutely nothing. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he placed a hand behind my neck and the other on my lower back, pressing my lower half against his.

Finally, after about ten minutes, we broke apart for air. Did I ever mention that Lucius was an extraordinary kisser? He gave my neck small and soft kisses as a smile grew on my lips.

"So, where are you taking me to dinner tonight?"


"Paris?" I was a little shocked albeit happy. I tilted my head slightly and pulled back from him. I gazed into his eyes, trying to seek out if he was really telling the truth. Why would he take me all the way to Paris for dinner? I was just a little shag for him. Nothing more. "Why are you taking me all the way to Paris?"

"To be quite honest, my dear, it was dinner reservations for Narcissa and I but she obviously had to go somewhere for a few days. I didn't want to cancel them so I invited you."

"Oh," was all I said. I didn't really know what to think at the moment. It was nice of him to invite me all the way to Paris for dinner, but I was only his last resort so he wouldn't have to cancel the reservations. Wait a minute, what was I complaining about? Who cares if I was the last resort, this wasn't anything serious between us and I was going to Paris.

"Are you not happy with this?"

"No," I changed my face from a pondering look to a happy look. "I'm very happy you asked me, Lucius. I've always wanted to see Paris and dinner with you would make me happy. Thank you ever-so-much for inviting me. It's more than kind of you."

"Bryony, are you sure you're not feeling good enough for the party? You'd have so much fun." Dorea sat on the side of the bed, her hand on my forehead and a frown upon her soft face.

"I'm sure. I don't want to risk getting even more ill. Maybe I'll be feeling better in the morning. I think it might just be one of those twenty-four hour bugs. Don't even worry about me, you two go out and have a few drinks for me."

Draco smirked and chuckled slightly. "I'll have a few of the House Elves take care and keep an eye on you. They do come in handy for somethings. We'll be home late. I already informed Father. Now come on, Dorea, we don't want to be late. Blaise is waiting for us in the entrance hall."

Dor leaned over and kissed my cheek softly. "Feel better," she whispered as she got up and followed Draco out of the room.

I got up slowly and got dressed in a silver dress. I knew a dinner in Paris called for proper dressing. I threw on a silver dress with only one sleeve and grabbed a pair of black high heels. I grabbed a black bangle with a diamond snake slithering on it, a silver cuff, a necklace with silver pearls, snake earrings, my Slytherin ring and placed them all on. After I had finished my make up and made sure everything was in place, I did my hair with my wand. Sure, we weren't allowed to do magic at home and out of school, but they couldn't trace it back to the wand. They could only trace it back to the house is was coming from. Since I was at the Malfoy Manor, Lucius was home and since he was well over the age of seventeen, I couldn't get caught. My hair was half up and half down with thick curls. I grabbed a white coat and buttoned myself up. With my clutch in my right hand, I walked down the stairs and into the drawing room. I found Lucius fixing his coat in the mirror. I cleared my throat and smiled at him.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Whenever you are."

He held put his arm and smirked slightly. I made my way over to him and gripped his forearm and in a matter of a second, we Apparated into Paris.

My eyes grew wide as I looked around. The lights, the people, the scenery, everything was perfect. My eyes continued to travel around while Lucius got our table.

"Table for two; Malfoy."

"Right thees way, Monsieur Malfoy." The host grabbed two menus and begun to walk to our table. I didn't notice until Lucius put his hand on my shoulder and got my attention.

Before I took my seat, I took off my coat and handed it to the host, Lucius did the same. He looked at my outfit and smirked. I cleaned up well. When the host left us, Lucius pushed in my chair after I sat down and continued to smirk.

"You look very nice tonight. You could pass for about twenty tonight if you wanted."

I couldn't help but to giggle. "Why thank you, Lucius. You look very nice yourself. Not a day over thirty."

"What I'd give to be thirty again." He took a sip of his water and I leaned in to whisper.

"Your body doesn't look a day over twenty, if you ask me."

I chuckled softly as he choked on his water slightly. He raised an eyebrow at me as I gazed down at my menu and smirked to myself. I was speaking the truth.

"What would you like to drink, Monsieur Malfoy?" Our waiter asked with a bright smile as he looked at me.

"A bottle of your finest wine."

"Very well. Would your daughter want anything?"

It was my time to choke on the water. I covered my mouth and coughed. Daughter?

"Mademoiselle! I am so sorry! Are you okay?" His eyes were almost bulging out of his eyes.

I cleared my throat before taking in a deep breath. "I'm fine. I'm just not his daughter."

"Oh, I am very sorry for mistaking. Forgive me."

"Wine's fine for us."

"Very well," he turned and left to fetch us the wine.

"I can't believe he thought I was your daughter. That was beyond priceless. Though, we don't look alike."

"Maybe it's the blond hair."

"I'm more of a golden blond while you have a very platinum blond look."

"Still blond, nonetheless."

While we were eating and sipping our wine, I tried to make conversation with him. I wanted to get to know him.

"So, how long have you been a. . . ." I stopped myself, I couldn't talk about it, here. Even if our table was secluded from everyone else. "Your second job. How long have you been working for your second job?" I blinked a few times, knowing he would know exactly what I was talking about.

"A few years before your father joined us. I became a. . .spell maker," probably the first thing that came to his mind, "a few months after I graduated from Hogwarts."

My eyes widened slightly. "Wow, you were recruited early. Why so early?"

"Well, I do have quite the smarts for being a spell maker and I was loyal to my recruiter. It was something I wanted to do. My family had always been involved in spell making."

"Huh. I think my Father became a spell maker a year after I was born. That's what. . .Mother used to tell me when I asked questions." I stopped looking at him and sighed as my eyes sunk down to my food. I hated bringing her up.

"Yes. . .your mother. Brilliant witch. You look exactly like her."

"Thanks. So. . .how many objects did you destroy upon testing out these spells?"

"I destroyed forty-seven objects over the years. Ended up cursing sixty-eight objects along the way."

Wow, Lucius had done alot. Killing forty-seven people and torturing sixty-eight people. Regret was shown in his eyes. I had a feeling that Lucius didn't necessarily wanted to do it.

"Most was doing it for the protection of my son and wife. My boss would say that they would be new test subjects if I didn't do as directed."

I was right. He didn't want to do this anymore. He was like Father. Father messed up one time and didn't do as the Dark Lord directed. Father was sick of listening and being bound to a Death Eater's life. With this mistake, it cost him my mother's life. Ever since, Father's done everything the Dark Lord's said word for word. This time the Dark Lord said Dorea and I were to go next. I was frightened for my life, but I knew that Father would never let this happen. We were all he had left. Lucius knew what the Dark Lord did to our mother. He knew that the Lord would not hesitate to take a life. Most likely, this is why he still followed him. He didn't want to have the same fate as Father.

"Just like Father. . ."

"Yes, just like your father."

"Well, if it isn't Lucius. And what are you doing with Vic's daughter at dinner and just the two of you?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Bryony's favourite flower are sunflowers.

If you missed the message from the previous chapter, Bret can be now seen on the character list. :)
Bryony's outfit

The Way You Make Me Feel- Michael Jackson
