This Is My True Mask

Went well for a week or two, then it all came unglued

"Well, if it isn't Lucius. And what are you doing with Vic's daughter at dinner and just the two of you?" A man walked over to us and started smirking. I recognized him. Not his voice, not his name, but his face and what he did. He was a Death Eater. He came over for dinner at my house a few times. And every time — he was a little too nice to Dorea and I.

"Just a friendly dinner between two, Antonin."

"Yes. . .friendly dinner." His gazed slowly shifted from Lucius to me. "From what I hear, you're into older men, no?"

I slowly sipped my wine and gave him a smile. "I'm sorry, that information is irrelevant to you."

"What if your father were to find out such information?"

I gave a soft sigh before putting down my glass. Never did I look at Lucius, the fact that I was lying would be obvious. "Well, if you really must know and won't leave us alone until either of us tell you, we're discussing Draco. I have yet to be arranged for marriage and so has Draco. Mr. Malfoy thought I'd be a good match for our dear, young Malfoy. Draco's younger than me by a couple months, so to answer your question, Mr. . ."

"Dolohov," Antonin answered for me.

"Mr. Dolohov, no, I am not 'into' older men. Rumours can be quite misleading, can't they?"

"Quite." Lucius substantiated my entire speech.

With the look that seemed to emerge on his face, he believed everything I had said. I was happy and thankful for that, if my father were to find out about Lucius and I, that would be bloody hell.

When we arrived back at the Malfoy Manor, a House Elf informed us that Draco had owled to tell his father that both Dorea and him would be staying the night at Blaise's house and wouldn't be back till nine the next morning.

Lucius and I were quite tired from dinner. We had stayed out pretty late. It was already one o'clock in the morning. We slowly made our way upstairs and I sat on his large bed as he began to undress to dress into something abundantly more comfortable.

"You're not staying in the guest room tonight." He said as he slowly took off his under shirt.

"Hm?" Where would I be staying then? Did he want me to go home? I couldn't think of a reason why he'd want that. My mind was racing when he spoke up.

"You're sleeping in here tonight. Draco won't be here till nine, and I wake up before that."

A smile crept upon my lips and I got up and kissed his shoulder softly. "I'd like that. But are you too tired?" My head tilted up as my eyes slowly made their way up to his, locking once we caught each other's eyes.

"What do I look like to you? An old man?"

He picked me up quickly and I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist. He didn't waste a minutes time; his lips were almost instantly attached to mine as he slowly walked over to the bed and laid us down, him hoovering over me.

I woke up in the morning to someone shaking my shoulder slightly. I rolled over onto my back and yawned slightly. I was exhausted; most of the night I was. . .rather busy. Their hand brushed my hair out of my face and by their touch, I instantly knew who it was. I opened one eye and slowly moved so my head was in their lap.

"I do hate to wake you up, Bryony. But Draco will be arriving here in fifteen minutes. Breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes." He stoked my hair slightly before I sat up and stretched. I raised an eyebrow at him before I looked down to realize I had nothing on.

"No wonder you enjoyed that. . ." I mumbled, getting out of the bed. I made my way over to my pile over clothes on the floor and slowly put on my knickers and bra, putting on a slight show for Lucius. I knew he was watching. "Is anyone else here besides the House Elves and us?"

"No, why?"

"Then I won't feel weird walking to the guest room in just knickers and my bra." I giggled slightly before opening the door and making my way down to my guest room. I closed the door behind me and changed what I was wearing into fresh pairs and then slipped on a green shirt with matching pyjama pants and a grey hoodie with the Slytherin logo on it. I had to make it look like I had just came out of bed for Draco and Dorea.

I sat down at the island in the kitchen next to Lucius. He was awaiting Draco to arrive and I looked at the House Elves cooking. I hadn't known any of their names. I turned my attention to Lucius and pointed to them.

"What're their names?"

"One on the left is Wanda and the right is Walby." Please tell me he didn't name them. . . . Those are ridiculous names.

"Excuse me, Walby." I said with a smile, Lucius gave me an odd look.

"Y-yes Miss?" It shuddered as it looked from Lucius to me. I think this was the first time someone had treated him with respect.

"Could I have some coffee with some sugar and cream, please?" Walby nodded and snapped his fingers to get down a mug. As he made the coffee I looked over at Lucius, whom didn't look all too happy. "What?" I frowned.

"Why are you being nice to them?" He spat. Apparently he didn't know what there were to House Elves.

"Treat them kindly and they'll be fiercely loyal and will do exactly what you say. The more foul you treat them, they'll try to find loopholes in your order and they'll just barely do it. That's why we're nice to ours. They love us and never look for loopholes when there are plenty." I looked down at Walby and grabbed my coffee, "thank you very much."

"Y-you're very w-welcome, Miss."

I took a sip and smiled, the coffee was amazing. "Try being nice to them sometime." I leaned over and kissed Lucius' cheek.

"I can't believe you even would suggest that," he sighed and straightened out his Daily Prophet.

"Good morning, Father." Draco and a tired looking Dorea walked through the door way into the kitchen. "Bloody hell, Bry. You look rather. . ."

"Rather what, Draco?" I raised an eyebrow, sipping my coffee once more. Dorea walked over to me and placed a hand on my forehead.

She frowned before talking, "well, you're not burning up anymore. Hm. . .after breakfast maybe a swim will make you feel better. Do you think we could do that, Draco?" She looked over at Draco who was shaking his head and sighing.

"I don't see what the big deal about having a pool is. Everyone loves it."

"It's inside and heated." I said before turning to Lucius. "Mr. Malfoy, do you think we could start breakfast early? I'm rather hungry."

Lucius simply nodded and barked at the House Elves to start putting the food on the tables. He turned to me before putting his Daily Prophet down. "I'm not trying that nice thing. I refuse to treat something below me with kindness."

"And this is why your House Elves hate you." I saw Lucius sigh before looking at Draco and Dorea in the corner of my eye. Draco was wide-eyed and Dorea has a suspicious look upon her face. "Dor," I called, trying to seem normal, "House Elves, how to they react to when you're nice to them."

"They're utterly loyal and don't try to find loopholes in your orders."

". . .No." Lucius said while walking out of the kitchen and into the dinning room.

"He's just mad that I'm right." I hopped off the chair and walked to follow Lucius. Draco stepped in front of me.

"Is my father actually getting along with you? He doesn't do that with any of my friends." He raised an eye brow. Keep calm, I kept telling myself. I had to pull this off.

"Eh, I don't know if you'd call it that, really. We haven't talked much. Only this morning. I kindly asked Walby for a cup of coffee and we had a conversation afterwards about House Elves. Haven't talked to him other than that."

Draco shrugged and walked over to the dinning room.

"So you're being a good girl, Bry?" Dor whispered, looking at the door frame.

"Yeah, I haven't talked to him much. I was in bed all day yesterday."

It was late at night and I had sneaked into Lucius' room. Our clothes had disappeared from our bodies quite sometime ago. He was sitting on his bed in only his boxers, his back facing the door. I sat on his lap, facing him, with my legs on his sides. He kissed me passionately as his hands roamed my bare body. One of my hands were on his shoulders while the other was playing with his hair.

All of this was ruined in a matter of mere seconds. The door was flung open, and a voice was shouting, "The Ministry. . .!" My eyes went wide as did Lucius' for the first time. We pulled back from the kiss and my eyes slowly found their way to who was at the door. Draco was standing there with his eyes almost popping out of his eye sockets as Lucius turned to see his son.

My life was ruined right there and then. My father was going to find out and everyone else. I would probably never see Lucius again. I don't think I wanted that in the least bit. My face was a very bright crimson red. I lowered my head and hid myself from Draco behind Lucius. Luckily for me, I was tiny and easy to hide with his back facing Draco. I couldn't help it, but tears were instantly brought to my eyes. I shut them as I heard Lucius flick his wand at the door with the door slamming.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and stroked my hair. This was bad. This was really bad. "Father can't find out. . . . I. . .I don't even know what he'd do." For once, I couldn't control the tears that came out of my eyes.

The older Malfoy kissed the top of my head and sighed. "Come on, we need to get dressed quickly so I can talk to Draco. Your father will not be finding out, because, quite frankly, I rather not go to Azkaban for sleeping with someone under aged."

I merely nodded and did what was told. Both of us promptly got dressed. He opened the door and I walked hastily passed Draco, making no eye contact whatsoever. Draco was pulled in Lucius' room and I heard the door slam and lock. I didn't want to stay and listen, but I had to find out what was going to happen to this situation.

"Have you forgotten about Mother?! What about Mum?! Why the fuck are you even sleeping with someone else, especially someone in my year!"

"First of all, how dare you speak like that to me! I am your father and you will talk to me with respect!"

"Father, will you please tell me what's going on?!" Draco couldn't control his rage seeing as he was still shouting as loud as he could at his father.

"Your mother and I have a failing marriage." Lucius spat, his face most likely red with anger.

"So you pick up a relationship with one of my friends?! She's not even sixteen yet!" I'm sixteen a few weeks, idiot. . .

"I do not have a relationship with her!" . . .What? "Your mother has left me more than sexually frustrated and Bryony just happened to be there!"

I didn't stick around anything more. I didn't want to hear anything. By the time I was in the guest room, my face was red with anger and stained with tears. Dorea, upon seeing me, she tried to ask what was wrong. I didn't answer. I gathered my things together and simply said I was staying at Bret's house for the remainder of the summer. I didn't look back once while I made my way down to the entrance hall and grabbed some Floo powder.

Sure, I didn't particularly think that Lucius and I had a relationship. But it was more than just a simple fuck here and there. Sex wasn't the only thing we had started to do together. We had actually started to spend time together and get to know each other. I don't really even see why I was mad, I didn't want to be bound in a relationship. I liked being with whom ever I wanted whenever I wanted. For some strange reason, I think Lucius Malfoy was started to grow on me. Could I really be having these feelings? No. It was a stupid thought. He was right, we were nothing more than fuck buddies. Nothing more, nothing less.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bryony doesn't believe in true love after her mother died.

She Hates Me- Puddle Of Mudd