This Is My True Mask

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

I was walking hand in hand with Bret as we met people outside the train. His parents already said bye to us and wished us a good term. We ran into my parents a few minutes before. My dad seemed normal and so did Dorea. Thank God, Draco didn't let anything slip.

The past few weeks since I left the Malfoy Manor without telling anyone had been weird. Lucius sent me many letters. Most of them asking if I was okay and why did I leave. He was sending them almost daily. Was he really that truly worried about me? I mean yeah, I didn't respond to any of them, I just added them to the collection after Bret and I read them. But still, why was he so concerned? He said we had no relationship. Meaning, we didn't care for each other. I'm not being dramatic, I'm just going by what he said.

Bret tugged on my hand and my eyes looked up at him. "What is it?"

"A certain someone unfortunately spotted you and is advancing towards us."

I sighed. Why was he here? He never brought Draco to the station. "Is he looking at us?"


"Okay." I gripped Bret's hand slightly tighter while leaning up and kissed Bret deeply. He wrapped one arm around my waist and I wrapped my free hand around his neck. He won't mind if I'm kissing someone else since we're not in a relationship. I do hope this all goes down to Lucius' ego. And I know it'll piss him off since he is quite possessive. Rule number one to me, don't use me.

Someone with a deep voice cleared their throat from behind me. I pulled back at Bret and gave him my infamous smirk. I turned around and pretended to look shocked. Lucius was indeed standing before my eyes — and he was looking very indignant. "Lucius? Why are you here? You never see Draco off." I played at. I had to pretend I was honestly shocked to see him.

"I knew you'd be here. Why haven't you been returning my letters?"

"I didn't feel like it. I've been busy."

"With him?" Lucius spat, his nostrils flaring as he looked over at Bret.

"Yeah, he's my best friend. I've been at his house after I left yours."

"Why did you leave without telling me?"

"Because," I leaned up and whispered in his ear so no one else could hear. If I were to say it out loud with various students and adults, it'd be bad. "we have no relationship, remember? I just happened to be there." I repeated with a smirk plastered across my face. Sure, it was a lot of fun while it lasted, and I did quite enjoy it more than I should have, but it was over between him and I. Use me one, you'll just use me twice. There was nothing more to it than that. Things like this happened with me plenty. It was always with older men. I really did hate guys my age, I need more sophisticated men.

I looked at him and sighed slightly. I was really going to miss him. I don't know why I felt like that, I'm guessing it was just purely because of he was the best shag I ever had, that had to be the reason. Nothing else could, not that I could think of. I tore my eyes from him and went to turn back to Bret who was standing there, waiting for me. Right as I went to turn, Lucius grabbed my shoulder, my head jerked back and gazed at him.


"Let's not make this hard, Mr. Malfoy. Let's just pretend none of it ever happened. I'm sure your loving wife is waiting back home for her husband and is missing him dearly. Goodbye, Mr. Malfoy." This time, he didn't reach out to grab me. He let his hand drop and stared at me, with, surprisingly, what I suspected was regret in his eyes. Which — I'm guessing was that he cheated on his wife or that he couldn't use me any longer. Slimy prat got what was coming to him. Serves him right for using me.

I grabbed Bret's hand and led him away from Lucius, I couldn't look at him after that. I don't really know how to explain why — I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe because I was sad that I wouldn't be able to sneak around with him anymore. All my fun was gone. Something that I thought was going to last for months. . .only lasted for a few weeks.

Bret and I sat in an empty compartment in the Slytherin cart. It was only time till our friends were to fill up the rest of the compartment. I sat between the window and Bret. I looked out the window while I rested my head on Bret's shoulder. What I didn't realize, the window had a view of where Lucius and I were standing. I sighed and lifted my head off of Bret's shoulder and just stared at the seat across from me. Why was Lucius everywhere I looked now? I just wanted him to go away. Then again, I can't really blame him for standing there. He was there back when I was talking to him. It was fault for picking the one with the view of it.

Dorea caught my eye as she waltzed in and smile at me. "Hey! Sister of mine that I almost forgot that I had because I haven't seen her in forever!" She joked as she sat across from me after hugging me.

Draco had walked in after Dorea, but stopped. "I didn't know she was going to be here." He looked at me with disgust. Ugh, this was getting really bloody annoying. Bryce walked in and shoved Draco as he walked. He sat down next to Dorea and slugged an arm around her. She sheepishly looked at Draco. He was already in a bad mood and Bryce had his arm around his girlfriend.

"Draco, what do you mean she? She happens to be my sister whom I haven't seen in weeks. Obviously I'm going to sit with her on the train. I do every year."

"I'm not sitting anywhere near her. Not after I saw what I did."

I stood up and stared at Draco, crossing my arms over my chest. "Listen, Draco. If you're going to be a bloody fuckin' bitch about this, you can go sit with your little gormless biffer, Pansy, okay? I'm really not in the mood to deal with your shit. Clear off." I rolled my eyes, getting even angrier.

"What's got their wands in a knot?" I could hear Dorea whisper to Bryce before speaking up. "What did you see Draco that's making you go off on one?"

He slammed the door behind him, rattling the door and almost shattering the glass. I could hear Bret mumble something and flick his wand while Draco opened his mouth. I'm sure it was a stronger version of Muffliato for the people outside our compartment. "You really want to know what I saw?!" He was shouting. Bryce was smirking at Draco, Dorea looked confused, Bret looked like he was about to hold me back, and I was about to pounce on Draco like a lion on a gazelle. If he said it, I was going to kill him.

"Don't you dare, Draco! I'll kill you!" I shouted, starting to advance closer to him.

"I walked in on my father and her, naked on his bed!" Draco's face was red with rage.

Dorea's mouth dropped and Bryce was laughing, saying, "good one, Bry!"

"Why you little fuc—" My wand was out and already pointed at his neck. Bret stood up and held me back, trying to calm me down. "What I do with Lucius is none of your business!"

"Of course it is, you whore! He's my father! If my dad is off shagging someone else and cheating on my mother, I have the right to know!"

"Lucius came to me! And what does it matter anymore?! There's nothing going on between us anymore! You heard him after you walked in on us! We never even had a relationship! So you can just bloody well fuck off and shove it up your arse before I do it for you with some hexes!" I tried to get passed Bret but that didn't work. Bret was a Beater for Slytherin. And in order to be a Beater, you have to have quite the strength. "Let me go, Bret!"

"I will once you calm down."

"And I will once I kill him! You better fucking hope that I don't tell your bloody father that you told people!" The colour from Draco's face seemed to start to drain. In all of his rage, I don't think he registered the fact that his father had most likely threatened him if he told any one else. "And I'll find out if you tell anyone else! Be sure of that!"

"Draco. . ." Dorea stood up and put her hand on my shoulder, "She already gave you a what for. Go before she sticks one on you."

Draco did as he was told and left the room. I slapped Bret hard across the face. He made nothing of it before pulling me closer and hugging me tightly. I was royally screwed now. Bryce had found out, though I don't really think he were to tell anyone if I was to convince him. Dorea wouldn't and Bret already knew.

I walked into Bryce's one room dormitory and shut the door behind me. I smirked at him as he looked up at me. "That little show was quite interesting. So how'd you manage to sleep with Draco's father?"

"Because, like I've told you many times before, I'm pretty ace. Now, you'll be doing me a favour and not telling anyone what you found out today."

"And I don't see what's in it for me, love. Why should I not tell anyone?"

I walked over to Bryce and pushed him on his bed softly. I crawled on top of him and kissed his neck. "I'll give you a reason not to tell anyone." I mumbled as I licked the sensitive spot I knew all too well on his neck. His hands were soon on my arse while I knew he was smirking.

"Hm. . .seems like I will be taking that secret to the grave with me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Bryony was born with cardiac dysrhythmia and was diagnosed at the age of six.

I'm little confuse to what to do with the rating. I do make Bryony swear quite a bit, so I don't know if I should make it rated R.
Tell me your input on that, please!
AND Bryce can now be seen in the character list!

Milkshake- Kelis
