This Is My True Mask

Every little kiss and grin you gave was just a little bullshit I saw through

It was already two months into the new term and no one else had found out about what Draco knew about Lucius and I. Speaking of Draco, he had been avoiding me like the plague. And to be quite honest, if he was gonna be a little prissy bitch about this, I didn't care. Why should I care? I'm sure I wasn't the first person to sleep with Lucius since him and Narcissa had gotten married. Bret was worried about me and Bryce now had blackmail on me. Dorea didn't even know what to make of it. She didn't know whether she should be mad at me or not. And what to be angry for, she didn't know. Should she be bitter about the fact that I slept with her boyfriend's father or the fact that I didn't tell her about it and lied to her?

Throughout the past two months, Lucius had sent me numerous letters and a few pieces of jewellery. A ring and a necklace. I'm pretty sure he was trying to bribe me into talking to him again. I tried my hardest not to, because the ring and necklaces were beautiful. God damn he had money.

We currently had double Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Hufflepuffs today. Why the hell did we have this class with the most useless house in the entire school? Who knew. I sat next to Bryce seeing as Bret was sitting next to a boy from Hufflepuff. I rather attractive looking boy — quite gay looking. I think Bret was trying to get himself a boyfriend. Which I was glad, he needed someone. Sure, Bret and I shagged, but I always knew he'd be happier with a boy.

"You know, if it weren't for the fact that for the past five years we haven't been able to figure out why Bret's in Slytherin, I'd be completely appalled that a Slytherin is sitting with a Hufflepuff." Bryce observed as he put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

"You know, if your accent gets any thicker, pretty soon I'm going to have no sodding idea what the bloody hell you're saying." I smirked at him, mocking his Scottish accent.

"You know you love it. It's what brings you back to me every time, you know."

"Desiderate, maiale scozzese ripugnante." I laughed out, turning in the seat so I was facing him. I wasn't quite fluent in Italian, but my dad had taught me enough words so I knew how to insult people. He always said since Dorea and I were half Italian, we should know at least some Italian.
*You wish, filthy Scottish pig.

"Mn, you know, I do love it when you speak lovely words to me in Italian." Oh yes, very lovely words, I thought so myself as he pulled me in for a kiss. I giggled against his lips as I deepened the kiss slightly, tilting my head. His tongue was almost instantly begging for an entrance against my lips. I allowed him. Our tongues danced together before we were pulled back from each other. It felt like someone had put a wall in between us and pushed us back. I pouted seeing as it wasn't even class yet. Who the hell was doing that? I turned around to yell at whatever student was being a knobhead. Lucius had a scowl across his face as he walked in the class, storming up to the front of the room. I don't even think he noticed me because he never even looked at me. I think he just thought it was two horny teenagers, snogging before class.

"Professor Umbridge has some business at the Ministry for the rest of the week and I'll be taking her spot for the remainder of the week. You will not speak unless spoken to. You will not do anything unless instructed to. If you speak while I am, detention. I expect full attention and respect at all times. I will be referred to as Mr. Malfoy."

"Oh bloody feckin' hell." I mumbled as Bret looked over at me.

"And look forward at all times." Lucius scanned the room, missing me as I hid behind the person in front of me. I knew he didn't see me because the look on his face never changed. He noticed Draco and sneered slightly. I hadn't told Lucius about Draco's little outburst. Draco, although, seemed to think I did as seeing the colour was draining from his face.

After about twenty minutes of raising my hand and Lucius never noticing because he was absorbed into paper work and he never looked up. I got up and started walking towards the door. I sighed while I tied my long blond hair into a bun, hoping that he wouldn't recognize me by it.

"And where do you think you're going?" Lucius' angry voice filled the room.

"I'm going to the fuckin' bathroom because I've had my bloody hand up for the past twenty minutes and I feel like I'm going to be sick." I turned around and faced him. "And no, I'm not going to apologize for swearing or walking out in a classroom that's not even yours. You're not even a professor here, so clearly, I don't give a rat's arse." I gave him a smile before walking out.

"BRYONY!" I heard him yell before ordering Draco to watch the class.

I sighed and tried to walk faster. My stomach was really starting to bother me. I could hear Lucius shout my name before I turned around with my arms crossed over my arms. "Mr. Malfoy, I'm about to be sick, can this wait?"

"You disrespected me in front of the entire class!"

I opened my mouth to say something, but right when I did, I could feel my stomach about to explode. I threw my hand over my mouth and looked around for the nearest bathroom. Only one was the faculty's. He soon grabbed my arm and unlocked the faculty's bathroom. I raced inside and kneeled down in front of the toilet. He shut the door behind us and held back the loose strands of hair as my stomach emptied itself. Never did I think Lucius Malfoy would be kneeling next to me, holding back my hair and rubbing my back while I vomited. It didn't seem like him, not one bit. After my stomach was done, I rinsed my mouth out in the sink and sat on the floor, my thin frame shaking.

"Come on, I'm taking you to the hospital wing." He grabbed my forearm and pulled me up. I instantly pulled it away from him and walked out of the bathroom, my skin pale as a ghost.

"No thanks, I can clearly go by myself. I don't need your help. I don't even want to be near you."

"And why is that Bryony?"

"I'm not talking about this in the middle of a hall way! Are you barmy?!"

"Fine, we'll talk in detention. Tonight, Professor Umbridge's office at eight after dinner."

"Whatever." I walked myself to the hospital wing.

I made my way to Professor Umbridge's office and sat down in front of the desk. I glanced at Lucius before raising an eye brow as I looked around the room and saw that everything was pink and girly. The walls were covered by plates with mewing kittens on them. Yeah, the cats and kittens were cute but got extremely annoying after about a minute.

"What. . .the hell is wrong with her?" I questioned, still observing the office."

"Personally, I don't know. This is a bit. . .scary."

"Now, what did you want to talk to me about?" I couldn't help but to sigh. I knew this wasn't going to go well. I didn't feel good, I was in a horrible mood, shit was going down.

"What's been with you lately? You don't return my owls. You don't speak to me, you're off probably fucking other men!"

"Oh, like I'm the only one you've cheated on your stupid wife with! I'm sure you've fucked plenty of other girls! I don't see why you want me to talk to you so badly! We never had a relationship, don't you remember, Lucius? I was just some bloody fuckin' girl that you could shag whenever the sod you wanted! Not like we developed feelings for each other. Why don't we just cut all ties?"

"Because, I won't allow that."

"Why? Why don't you want to cut ties with some bloody sixteen-year-old? Is your wife too old for you? Do you need someone my age?"

"I know what you're implying and that's not it. I don't care for age. Age is nothing but a number. You could be sixty and I still wouldn't want to cut ties with you."

"Why, Lucius!? Why?! I'd be a right Charlie not to!"

"Because," he started calmly, folding his hands together and placing them on the desk, "I've grown to fancy you quite a bit, Bryony. Not like I have with my wife. Her and I had an arranged marriage. I didn't chose to. I don't want to cut the ties, Bryony. I don't know what we had, I don't know whether to call it a relationship or not. And what was I supposed to tell my son — yes I was having a relationship with you? Of course not. I want to have a relationship."

"I'm sure that's just some bullshit you thought up so you could just get another few shags out of me while you're here." I got up and walked towards the door, "oh, and by the way, congratulations, Dad."

". . .What?" He questioned, confused as I slammed the door behind me. I needed Bret, where was he?
♠ ♠ ♠
Lucius Malfoy can fluently speak three languages, excluding English.

If you didn't catch this before, you can see Bryce now on the character page.

It Hurts- Angels & Airwaves
