Status: Finished! Go read Sleepwalking Past Hope!


Heart-Shaped Box

I love you and you’re crushing my heart. I need you please take me into your arms.

I found my self unnerved by his pure existence today. His slightly wrinkled dress shirt hung perfectly on those broad shoulders. His sleeved were rolled up and his expression mimicked that of a distraught artist. He scribbled away in the leather-bound journal.

I smiled to myself and quietly watched him. His face twisted in confusion or confliction. It wasn’t easy to read him. He kept his feelings covered behind devilish good looks and boyish charm.

I fiddled with the necklace that lay peaceful on my chest. Ville gave it to me, it was a single silver key on a long chain. He gave it to me when I found out I was pregnant. I only got the nerve to wear it recently. I quit fidgeting the key quickly fell down my v-neck shirt.

I could tell you I was captivated by his charm or that it just was but that isn’t the whole truth. I wanted to fix him. After I did, I made him loveable and then something changed. We were distant, I don’t know if it was because I was done with the chase or if we were growing older.

Ville quickly turned in his seat and smiled. I returned the kind smile and leaned against the door frame.

“Wanna hear a secret?” He asked as he took a long draw of his cigarette then sat his journal aside.

I smirked, “A Valo secret? Of course?”

I walked further into the room and sat next to him. He sighed and produced a silver box from beside him. It was covered in an ornate design the front was a decorated heart with a keyhole directly in the center. I pulled the key from around my neck.

He smiled and nodded. I inserted the key and turned. With a quiet little click the box opened, revealing a ring. My stomach twisted and turned as he picked up the ring and slid it onto my finger.

“I’ve had this planned for as long as I’ve had you and I thought that maybe it was now or never.” He said, his voice quivered in fear of rejection. I smiled and admired the beautiful ring that was finally where it belonged.

I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him as tight as I could. I kissed his cheek, causing him to smiled and hug me back.

It made me happier than anything to know I was going to be his wife.

All that I’m after is a life full of laughter as long as I’m laughin’ with you.
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If you've never had sex while listening to HIM. Go do it...within reason. Haha! Don't go up to some stranger and demand sex lmao!

I'm in a good mood.