Status: Finished! Go read Sleepwalking Past Hope!



“Why were you running from her?” I asked as he drove through the bright lit town.

“I don’t like her.” He replied quickly.

“You’re not telling me the truth, Ville.” I said causing him to grimace.

“I was engaged to her.” He spat like the words tasted bad. They stung, I wanted to be the only person he ever wanted to be with.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to be hurt.” He was vulnerable and he didn’t like it, I could tell by the way he tried to pull away from me.

“I understand. I’m sorry.” I was at a loss for words.

He rolled his eyes, “She was the one of the few women I’ve ever loved.” He spoke like he was ashamed of himself.

I scooted over in the seat and rested my head on his shoulder. It’s hard to explain how I feel about that man. I’m the girl who waits until the worst moment to say everything.

“I think I’m pregnant!” I shouted, it took the attention from his insecurities and placed on something I knew would make him happy.

“How?! Why!?” He asked as he began driving faster.

“I was supposed to start my period a week ago.”

“Let’s go to rite-aid!” He said then turned off into a parking lot. He put the car in park and ran inside the store without another word. He was that excited. I wanted to tell him like I told him when I found out I was pregnant with Jacob but this seemed like the right time.

Minutes later he emerged from the store holding two bags. He opened the door and handed me the bags.

I opened the first bag it held four pregnancy tests and a bottle of Perrier. I smiled, I drank the hell out of that stuff when I was going through morning sickness. I put the bag in the floor and opened he second one.

“Pepto Bismol?” I asked, he shrugged his shoulders.

“I thought I was gonna puke.” He said then took the bag from me. I laughed as he opened the bottle and took a huge drink.

“Feel better now?” I asked as he handed me the bag back.

He grimaced and shook his head no, “Now I feel like I’m gonna puke a brick of bubblegum.”


“Are you done yet?” Ville asked from the other side of the bathroom door. I glanced at the clock then at the pregnancy test. Pregnant.

My eyes became huge. Ville cracked the door open. I handed the test to him. He looked down the up, then down then up again. He threw the test down and wrapped his arms around me and hoisted me into the air.
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I hate today. Things are bad with me and my fiance...I hope it's just a stage but; guys i'm scared it won't be okay.