Status: Finished! Go read Sleepwalking Past Hope!


Scared to Death

“I have to warn you, this may be awkward.” He said as he pulled into the driveway.

“Why?” I asked, he snickered.

“Bam didn’t tell you?”

“I don’t think so…”

“My parents have a sex shop.”

“Oh my god.” Was all I could say.

“Yeah, so don’t be weirded out.” He said then put the car in park, removed the keys and stepped out of the vehicle. I took a deep breath then did the same. He grabbed my hand in his and suddenly I was scared.

“They speak mainly Finnish so I’ll translate.” Ville said as he led me to the front door. The house was pleasant and I found it hard to believe that these people ran a sex-shop.

Ville knocked on the front door, seconds later it opened revealing an older man, his grey hair was balding he vaguely resembled Ville. The two men began babbling in Finnish.

“Alice this is my dad, Kari.” He said, I smiled and nodded at him. Kari whispered something in Ville’s ear that caused him to snicker. He led me into the house which was nice, it reminded me of any ordinary home.

Kari left, leaving me and Ville alone. He looked at me and smiled.

“Why did you laugh?” I whispered.

He smiled again, “He said that you were the prettiest American girl he’d ever seen. Then he asked if I fed you enough.”

I laughed too, “That’s funny.”

It was awkward for a second, “He left to go get my mom. She speaks more English so you can talk to her. If she doesn’t understand I’ll translate. No worries, babe.” He said then kissed my forehead.

The older couple entered the room. Kari smiled then left the room. He seemed strange.

“Kari told me you were American.” Ville’s mom said after she hugged her son.

“I am.” I replied, nervously.

“I hope you’ve been good to my son, he deserves someone good.” She said as she went to sit in an overstuffed chair. Ville pulled me over to the couch. I sat next to him.

“He does, and I am good to him.” I said with a smile on my face. The room was quiet for a second.

“So! Tell me about this grandson I’ve heard so much about.” Her aged face smiled the happiest of smiles.

“Well, Jacob could pass for a clone of Ville. He’s the sweetest child in existence. He never gets angry when he does he acts just like my brother. It’s funny.” I beamed, I loved bragging about the one of the few things I feel that I’ve done right.

“Mom, I have news for you. We found out last night.” Ville said happily.

She flashed him a confused look, “What’s this?”

“We’re gonna have another baby!” He was excited he kept me up all night talking about it.

“That’s wonderful!” She said as she thought intently.

“I predict it’s gonna be a girl.” He said as he poked at the beige couch. The walls in the living room were light blue with dark hardwood floors. Though you could barely see the color of the walls from shelves of knick-knacks and pictures.

“I always thought Jesse would have kids before you.” Ville’s mom said causing them both to laugh.

“Sweetie, can I ask, did Jacob end up with your beautiful blond hair?” Her curiosity towards Jacob was comforting.

“No, he didn’t. He’s got brown hair.” Ville replied for me. I laughed and patted his leg.

“He has blue eyes though.” It became more natural to talk to her. She was a very motherly woman and I liked that.

“I can’t wait to meet this child.” She said excitedly.

We became in mindless chatter for what seemed like an hour.

“Ville go make some tea.” Anita ordered. He sighed and wandered out of the room.

“I wanted to ask you, since he’s gone, Ville told me that you died on the table when you had Jacob. Aren’t you worried that will happen again this time?” She asked quietly.

“I am but the joy that child brings is worth it. I don’t want to worry him though. I’m hoping that this time will go smoothly. They offered an abortion last time but I couldn’t do it.”

“Please take care of yourself. You might not see it but I do; he loves you more than anything. If something were to happen to you he’d die. I mean that literally. I don’t think he could handle losing you again.” She said soft yet stern. I smiled and nodded.

“I will.” I assured her.
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P.S. - If there is anyone interested in co-writing a story with me I'm totally interested. PM me about it and we'll discuss. I'd like to try it.