Status: Finished! Go read Sleepwalking Past Hope!


Into My Arms

Flights to France with a three year old and an almost thirty year old three year old are not fun. Jacob and Bam argued over top of me the entire time. Exchanging words like ‘Doo-Doo head’ and ‘Dirty Harry’. That one was courtesy of Dico, which has nothing to do with anything.

Finally the plane arrived, we quickly grabbed our bags and headed out of the airport. Ville stood outside. Within seconds my arms were wrapped around him.

“Hey babe.” he said before kissing the top of my head. Jacob had a death grip on my hand. Ville released me then picked up Jacob and hugged him.

“Hello.” He said as he admired him. I’d never seen him this, fatherly.

“Hi!” Jacob said happily.

“Where’s the ride, asshole.” Dico said as he looked around. Ville snickered when he saw him. I knew he was laughing about the pathetic excuse for a date we went on.

“Right here.” He said then directed us to a black town car. The driver took our bags and put them in the trunk. Bam climbed inside, then Dico, then me, Ville and Jacob.


The ride to the hotel was awkward for me. Never had I been in a situation like that, it was usually just me and Ville. Now it was us an our child. It’s strange to look at that beautiful little boy and think that he came from me and Ville having sex. Weird.

We arrived at the hotel. Ville picked Jacob up and carried him on his hip for fear he’d get lost.

“Hey, we’re gonna go find a bar, meet you back here later.” Bam told me then ran off in the opposite direction. I shrugged my shoulders.

We walked into the hotel, after being harassed by a mob of fans.

“Sorry.” Ville apologized as he led us to the elevator.


It was 2:30 pm, Jacob lay asleep on the bed. His long hair was sprawled around his head and he had his thumb in his mouth.

Ville and I sat on the balcony. He held a cigarette between his pointer finger and thumb.

“So the show is tonight at eight?” I asked before sipping my lemonade. It was actually warm here. It may have been warm enough to sit outside one day out of the year in Finland.

“Yeah but we’re goin’ on at nine thirty.” Ville said before he playfully nudged my foot under the table. I smiled and nudged him back.

“Okay, so we’re gonna be backstage with you?”

He nodded, “Have you never done anything like this before?”

I shook my head no.

“Oh okay. Well…is Jacob sleeping with us?”

“Probably. Why?”

A devilish grin manifested on his face. I laughed.

“I doubt that will be happening.”

“Damn.” He muttered under his breath.

I don’t believe in the existence of angels but lookin’ at you I wonder if that’s true.


This is the first time I’ve seen him perform. The moment he stepped onto the stage I was blown away. This is the man that wants to marry me and he has people in the palm of his hand. They performed a few songs without much of an interruption.

“Whew,” He said as they finished a song. “I want you guys to meet someone.” He said then ran backstage.

“Where’s Jacob?” He asked me.

“Right there.” I pointed to a couch, the little boy sat patient and still with his earplugs inserted in his ears.

Ville picked him up and ran back onto to the stage.

“This is Jacob. He’s my little boy.” Ville pulled one of Jacob’s ear plugs out.

“Say ‘Hi’.” He said then put the microphone to Jacob’s mouth.

“Hi!” He said excitedly then quickly became quiet when his small voice poured out of the large speakers. The audience said hi in their own individual ways.

Ville smiled and brought him back to me. He kissed me quickly then went to finish his show. Jacob was on cloud nine.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had a hard time with this. I think it might be because I wrote so much at once but I had to write it down before I forgot it. Anyways, forgive me.

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