Status: Finished! Go read Sleepwalking Past Hope!


Asche Zu Asche

It was easier to watch him leave the second time. I sighed as I laid down to sleep, it was midnight and I didn't want to give in easily.

I still know how to fuck your eyes crossed. It's your loss.

I wandered outside. I laid down in the yard, like I used to do, and stared at the stars. It was silent, there was nothing left to do but think. My mind was as clear as the sky.

I wish I would have stood up to Travis. I should have been the one to tear him down. I should have told him I hated him and he took my innocence from me. He took everything I'd ever had and taught me that love is bullshit.

I'm not Jesus, I will not forgive.

Then Ville picked me up and told me it was okay. For a while I thought that love was real and cared about me. But it isn't, at least for me.

I sighed. You know better, Alice.

This is all going to be okay.


The noise in the club was loud but I was in the mood to dance. We all came tonight to have some fun. Mom and Dad have Jacob for the weekend. I heard from Dico that Bam invited Ville.

I waited inside with Dico and Ryan.

"Hey! Wouldn't it be funny if I snorted this salt and pepper?" Ryan said then poured it out on the table and stuck his nose flesh to the table and breathed in. He came back up screaming, he rubbed his nose until it was bright red. Dico laughed a variety of laughs ranging from normal to clearly insane. Ali spat her drink out and pointed towards the door.

Bam, Missy and the dreaded Ville walked into the club, leaving the place silent. The walked over and sat down with us. Ville sat next to me. I scooted as far away as I could. Missy sat across from me and Bam sat next to her.

She smiled snootily as she whispered to Bam. Bam gave her a dirty look.

"Alice, why don't we go powder our noses?" She said like she was some dainty thing made of porcelain. I wanted to shatter her.

"You mean you have to piss? Huh, what about that. Bam did you know that she actually uses the bathroom?" I said, just to piss her off. I'm sick and tired of her being pissy with me and treating me like I don't belong.

Bam laughed out loud causing Missy to slap him. Everyone around the table snickered, Ali laughed out loud. Her and Missy had their fall out long ago.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I asked as I stood up.

"My problem is you." She spat like she was some sort of bad ass.

Ville grabbed the back of my pants and pulled me back down. If looks could kill he would be dead.

"You're a bitch!" She screamed at me.

Bam got up and pulled her out of the club. I got up and followed them. Missy was crying and Bam was watching her, he didn't care.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked her, she wiped her running mascara with a tissue.

She wouldn't look at me. I pushed her, and asked her again.

Ville pulled me back, "Alice, you're better than her. Don't do this."

"No, Ville you're the fucking reason I'm gonna kick her ass!" I yelled.

He let go of me.

"Why the hell would you ask him here! You know I hate him!" I didn't care that he heard me.

She laughed, "You don't hate him. You pretend you do."

I scoffed then punched her in the face. She hit the ground and held her face in one hand. Ville grabbed my hand and pulled me away from her. Ali, Dico and Ryan came outside.

"Oh my god! She punched her and I missed it!" Dico said before be began laughing hysterically.
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Yay! I'm glad you guys like it! Woo hoo! I'm happy. Sorry about the German title, I was listening to Rammstein.