Status: Finished! Go read Sleepwalking Past Hope!


The Bad Touch

I'd give up forever to touch you.

I have dreamed about her everyday since I left. I pictured every second we should have spent together. Now, because I'm selfish and stupid I sleep alone every night. I told her that I needed to rediscover myself. What I didn't know was; I'm nothing without her.

I put down my leather bound book and pen, then took a drag of my cigarette. I've grown too fond of these. Alice is taking classes to become a nurse, she's working part-time at a nursing home for her clinicals.

So she left me here by myself to write heartbreaking lyrics. She used to sing to me. Her favorite song that reminded her of me. I'm a sucker for some pretty eyes. She's my best girl...she knows all about this heartbreak and things. She's always by my side. Well, she's all mine for all night. She's my best girl by far...she'll never break my heart. Except she'd change the lyrics so that it was about me. All the she's were he's.

I can still hear her sweet voice. It wasn't anything dramatic but it was calming. She'd sing that song to Jacob when he would cry. I'd hear that sweet voice in the middle of the night and it was like, a reassurance that not everyone is bad.

I admit, I wasn't the best boyfriend. She trusted me not to break her heart and I did. I shattered it. I paid for it. In horrible relationships, lonely nights and a useless crater for a heart. It felt like my heart had been ripped right from my chest.

I laid back on the king size bed and let my mind relax and wander. Soon I was fast asleep.

I paced through the hotel room, smoking yet another cigarette. I sighed and whispered under my breath in Finnish.

"I always thought it was sexy when you spoke Finnish," That sultry voice caressed my ears in a way...I hoped it would never end.

I turned around and smiled. Alice.

"Well I always thought anything you did was sexy." I smiled a crooked smile. I couldn't help but let my cocky side show.

She closed the door behind her, "You know what I thought was sexier?"

She held her knee length pea coat tight around her waist. I stepped closer to her.

"What's that?" I asked as I caressed her cheek.

"When your voice get real deep...and husky." She said as she let her coat drop to the floor revealing nothing. Naked as a jay bird. She pulled me down to her...

"Wake up!" Alice yelled as she shook me violently. I quickly stood up.

She snickered, "Are you happy to see me?"

My face went white, I immediately grabbed a pillow and held it over my 'happiness'.

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals. So let's do it like they do it on the discovery channel.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think that was the funniest thing ever.
I had to put that song in there.
I like the 'Gettin' horny now' part.