Status: Actively Active. (:

Baby, You're So Gone.

She'll Always Be The Same.

The alarm next to be blared loudly, and I groaned, turning on my side and facing the alarm clock. I could barely open my eyes and the noise was killing me. I reached my arm up and fumbled for the snooze button, peeling my eyes open.

I was exhausted from the night before. After I had sat down at my bunk and started eating my pie, the boys had followed almost immediately, taking over my booth. We talked and laughed for hours and I had to say; it was a distraction from what had happened.

"Turn that shit down!" I heard Mom yell.

I found the snooze button, but before I pressed it, I waited five seconds, just to push my mother's buttons. I heard the doorknob move so I pressed the button quickly, hoping she wouldn't barge into my room. She didn't, she only pounded on it once, before I heard the sound of her footfalls going down the stairs.

I sighed and got out of my bed, running a hand through my hair. When I had come home last night--1 AM, I had gotten yelled at like never before. Mom said it was "wrong" to disrespect her and her boyfriend, even if they were just short term. I had rolled my eyes and started stalking off, but she had grabbed my arm, painfully I might add. At the time, it didn't hurt, I was just shocked she did that.

I shrugged the thought off, because I knew that Mom could do some stupid shit--different boyfriends every week, partying almost every night, and drinking all the time--but she would never hit me. I was positive.

I got up from my bed slowly, the suns' rays escaping from the window and hitting my blue eyes. I squinted and mumbled a complaint before heading to my private bathroom. After a quick shower, I dressed in my dark blue, denim bermuda shorts and white tank top, thinking about what had happened in the past two years. I applied my regular eyeliner and mascara and just a hint of chapstick, because it can get pretty chilly here.

It was the beginning of the new year--January has barely sunk in. It's too early for school to start, so I've been passing my time by getting a job. Not at the diner, but at a small music store on the main street of the town. I slipped on my black converse and headed out the door, grabbing my phone and keys on the way.

I got into my small, gray toyota camry, putting the key in the ignition. Before heading out the music store, I always stopped by the diner for some breakfast. They had the best pancakes.

I drove to the diner, taking less time than yesterday when I had been walking. I parked at the diner's parking lot, getting out of the car and walking in happily. I sat down at the counter, smiling at Paula.

"What do you want for breakfast, dear?" she asked, yawning a bit.

"Hmmm, pancakes, and instead of the strawberry shake, I'll have the chocolate shake." I licked my lips, my mouth watering just thinking about eating that delicious breakfast.

"You got it. It'll be out soon." Paula turned her back on me and shouted to the cook the orders. She turned around and faced me, drumming her long, red nails on the pale blue counter.

"You look like you had a good night yesterday..." she started, a mischevious smile creeping up her lips.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said, even though I know she did.

"He had his eyes on you, that boy." she warned, waving a finger at me.

"Which one? There were four boys." I pointed out.

"The one with the orange hair; Nick, I think." Paula thought about it for a while, then nodded. "Yeah, Nick."

"Paula, is the greasy smell from that kitchen getting to your head?" I asked, smiling a bit.

"Hey!" the cook shouted from his place in the kitchen, looking slight offended.

"Sorry, Patrick, but it's true!" I shouted back to him.

Paula chuckled. "You've got a sense of humor, Annie, I'll give you that. But, I'm serious, that boy looked at you with the eyes of a sailor."

I cocked my head to the side, furrowing my eyebrows. "'Eyes of a sailor'?" I repeated.

"It's a saying from back in the day..." she told me.

"I've never heard of it." I murmured.

"Well, that's because you're fresh, you're young!" she exclaimed.

I laughed. "That could be it."

"So, I'm telling you; when that boy comes knocking on your front door, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Paula, the last thing he's going to do is knock on my front door." I said, confident of this answer.

She shrugged and grabbed the plate and the shake from the platform where Patrick; the cook, had placed it. She set it in front of me and I started eating, thinking of what she had said.

After I was done eating, I headed out the door while murmuring my goodbyes. I got in my car and turned it on, putting it in reverse so I could get out of here, then get to work. I blew my hair out of my eyes as I turned a corner, heading to main street.

As I was driving, I spotted this big bus; ten times bigger than my small car. It had writing on it; Take Action! Tour presents 'A Rocket to the Moon!'

A rocket to the moon? That had to be the band that the boys last night said they were in. I hadn't really believed them, even though they looked the part of being a 'rockstar.'

For some reason unbeknownst to me, I parked the car next to their tour bus. I turned off the engine and got out of the car, running a hand through my hair, like I did often. I bit my lip, questioning whatever judgement had made its way into my mind.

I took a step towards the tour bus and then stopped right there. What was I doing here? Why was I even here? I had no reason to be here, in fact--I was late for my shift. I took a deep breath and turned around, about to head back to my car when his voice stopped me.

"Annabelle." one word and I felt my pulse quicken.

I turned on my heel, my blue eyes meeting his. It took my breath away for a second, the intensity of his gaze, but I quickly shook it off.

"Hey, Nick, right?" I asked, even though I knew what his name was.

He nodded, his orange hair moving up and down with the movement. Nick shoved his hands into his pockets and I took in his appearance; ripped denim skinny jeans but a blue v-neck shirt, showing the top of a tattoo on his chest.

"You have a tattoo..." I started, pointing at his chest.

Nick smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it says 'All You Need Is Love'."

I grinned. "The Beatles, right?"

His answering grin was huge, and behind him, the sun burst out of the clouds, blinding me momentarily. I blinked, shocked by the sudden light. I didn't notice, however, how the butterflies had churned in my stomach when I first saw him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, wasn't the best chapter--I'm sorry.
I hate writing fillers, but in this case; it's necessary.

I promise the next chapter will be better!

Anywho; I have five subscribers;; do you care to tell me who you are? ;)