Bieber Fever


Natasha’s P.O.V.

We pulled up outside a beautiful house.
I looked over at my mum.

“Welcome home.” She said smiling.
My eyes widened in shock.
This. Is our house!?” I asked.
She just smiled and nodded.
“My luck could not get any better!” I squealed bouncing up and down in my seat like a three year old.
“Calm down.” My mum said laughing.
“Go inside and pick a room.” She said.

Without glancing back I sprinted into the house and explored.

As I was exploring upstairs, I found the perfect bedroom.
It was very large with a bay window looking out over the side of the house and a door that opened out onto a private balcony.
It had a huge walk in closet and a portion of the room was raised on a little platform-stage type thing.
It was all perfect.

A few moments later my mum walked in.
“You like?” She asked.
I just nodded violently.
“Everything is perfect. But America is much different than New Zealand. I cannot believe we moved to Los Angeles. The only thing really missing is Aimee.” I said. Aimee was my best friend back in New Zealand and I was upset that I had to leave her, but if I wanted to pursue my career in acting and singing, I had to move. It was so exciting being signed by Disney channel and Hollywood records!
Disney had given me my own show, it was called; Rose petals.
I played the main character, Rose Tyler.

“Yeah, I know hon. but you will get to see her at the end of the semester.”
I nodded silently.
“How about we go help the movers bring everything in.” She suggested.
“Kay.” I said jumping up from my current position at the bay window.


I dusted my hands off and looked around my room.
I had finished arranging it.
On the stagey platform thing, I had my drums, piano, guitar and microphone. Yet there was still a lot of space on the stage to dance around on.
Against a wall I had my queen sized bed with canopies hanging off of the frame.
In a corner I had my desk, with my apple laptop; iPod dock and iPod touch on it.
I had my bookshelf next to my lip shaped red beanbag.
I had covered my walls with photographs of me and my friends. Also a few posters of my favourite bands, singers and actors/actresses; Paramore, Demi Lovato, Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Lily Allen, Good Charlotte, The Police, Elvis Costello, Elvis Presly, 3oh!3, Metro Station, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, System of a Down, Justin Bieber and many more. I was a big Justin Bieber fan. But mainly my walls were just covered in photograph that captured many memories of mine.

My closet was fully stocked because I had done a truckload of shopping before we arrived.

I plopped myself down in my beanbag and pulled out my new iPhone.
No new messages. I sighed. I grabbed my iPod and dock and started playing; Baby – Justin Bieber.

Son enough I was up and singing along. At the end of the song, I switched off my iPod and flipped onto my bed.
I stared at the wall at a picture of me and Aimee standing by her pool, making hearts with our hands.
I sighed again.
I couldn’t wait another two months until the school term was over.
I was exhausted from all of the furniture hauling. I crawled under the covers and quickly fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story.
I need feedback.
Do i continue?
I have so many stories at the moment!

