Bieber Fever


Natasha’s P.O.V.

After the interview we headed home.
It was 6:45pm and I had finally decided what to wear.
I had curled my hair and let it hang down.

I walked downstairs and my mum was on the phone.
I don’t think she noticed I was there.

“Yeah! She will be so surprised and happy! Ok yeah see you later!” My mum said into her phone.

I walked into the kitchen in front of her and grabbed a can of coke.

“Hey mum.” I said taking a big gulp of my soda.
“Hey hon.” She said.

I burped but I had my mouth closed so it all fizzled up my nose.

“Aaah!” I shouted.
“What?!” My mum asked.
“It fizzed up my nose.” I said, my eyes watering.
My mum just laughed at me.
I stuck my tongue out at her and finished off my coke.

“Let’s go.” My mum said grabbing her keys.
“Kay.” I said following her out to the car.
My mum had a bottle of wine with her as a gift for the Jonas’.

We arrived there at 7pm on the dot and I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell with my mum behind me.

Denise opened the door and smiled.

“Hello Denise!” I said hugging her.
“Hello Tash.” She said.
“Hey Denise.” My mum said.
“Hey.” Denise said smiling.
“This is for you.” My mum said handing her the bottle of wine.
“You know me too well.” Denise said taking the bottle of wine and leading us inside.

I walked up to where Denise said the boys and Dani were – the game room.

I peeked around the door and saw everyone was sitting on the couch facing away from me.
I tip toed as quietly as I could in heels over to behind the couch.
“Raaaah!” I yelled.
Everyone jumped.
I heard an awfully loud girly scream.
We all turned and looked at Dani.

“Wasn’t me.” She said shrugging.

That’s when I noticed Joe was a very deep shade of red.
Everybody else noticed too and soon enough we were all on the floor laughing uncontrollably.

We finally managed to stop laughing and all hop back up onto the couch.
Kevin was sitting at the end with his arms around Danielle.
Then Frankie was sitting next to them, then Nick, then Joe.
Since there was no more space on the couch I sat on Joes lap.

“So, what are we watching?” I asked tapping my heels.
“We were watching District 9 but it just finished.” Nick informed me.
“Okay so what now?” I asked restlessly, the coke I had must have gotten me hyped up.
I looked around and everyone shrugged.

“How about we play some BASEBALL!” I suggested bouncing up and down.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Only if you stop bouncing on me.” Joe said laughing and holding me still by my waist.
“Yay!” I exclaimed.
We all went out to their back yard and divided up into teams.
It was Me, Nick and Danielle vs. Joe Kevin and Frankie.
I slipped off my heels and stuck them by the door and lined up to field.
Nick pitched to Joe and Joe hit it straight at me but slightly above me.
I crouched low and at the right moment sprung up and caught the ball in my hand.

“YEAH!” Nick, Dani and I screamed simultaneously.
“Fluke!” Joe shouted.
“Whatever!” I said high fiving Nick and Dani.

Kevin batted next and he hit it in the middle of the field.
I sprinted towards it and tossed it to Dani who was at second base and she caught it right before Kevin could reach the base.

“Yes!” Nick and I shouted.

Frankie was up next and he hit the ball right at Nick and was automatically caught out.

Nick and Dani both got caught out
Then it was my turn to bat.
“Come on Tash you can do it!” Dani urged.
The ball came flying at me and I used all my force to hit it away with the bat.
I sent it flying over to the edge of the yard and started sprinting through the bases.
It was so close as I got back to home base just before Kevin threw it to Joe.
“WOOH!” We all screamed as Nick picked me up and paraded me around.
I was laughing my head off when he finally put me down.

“Dinner!” Denise called out to us.
I grabbed my heels, slipped them on and walked inside.

We ate dinner just talking about life and work etc.

After dinner we had to go home.
I was so exhausted from baseball that I got changed into my Pyjamas and fell straight asleep.


My eyes fluttered open as the sounds of chirping birds invaded my dreams.
I slowly pushed myself, yawning and stretching out my stiff muscles.
I stood up slowly, so I would not get dizzy.
I picked up my phone from off of the desk and checked the time.
I quickly got dressed.

I made my way downstairs and stop dead in my tracks as I saw what was in the kitchen.

“Eh. Ma. GAHD!”
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