Bieber Fever


Natasha’s P.O.V.

“Aimee!” I screamed running to Aimee and hugging her.
“Tashy!” Aimee yelled hugging me back.
I saw my mum smiling from the breakfast bar.
“You did this!” I said hugging her.
“And I got you and Aimee a little present.” My mum said.
“What is it?” I asked.
Then my mum pulled something out from behind her back and handed it to me.
I looked at the present and screamed.
It was Justin Bieber concert tickets! Front row!
“Oh My Gosh thank you so much!” I said jumping up and down.

We spent the rest of the day talking about what had happened while we were apart, except I left out a tiny little detail I like to call the Jonas Brothers.

We were right in the middle of talking about our form class teacher back in New Zealand when my phone vibrated in on the desk.

Hey Tashy,
Wanna hang?

I smiled and replied.

Yeah but can I bring a friend,
Aimee came up to stay with me!

Yeah sweet

Ok be there soon.

I put my phone down and turned back to Aimee.

“Who was that?” Aimee asked.
“Oh, I friend I made, we’re going to their house now.” I said pulling her up.
“Okay but first I need to get changed, I hate aeroplane smell.” She said and walked into my massive closet where she had stored her clothes and we were the same size so I wouldn’t be surprised if she wore my clothes, we swapped all the time.

When Aimee was finally dressed, she came out into the room and spun around.

“I really love your stuff.” She said inspecting everything she was wearing.
“Yeah me too, when you stay with me, you can wear any of my stuff but I always decide what to wear first.” I said laughing.
“Deal.” She said and we walked downstairs.

“Bye mum! Going out for a while!” I shouted as we left the house

As I found out yesterday, the Jonas’ only lived three blocks away so we could walk there in no time.

We walked up to the Jonas’ door and I pressed the doorbell.

The door flew opened and Nick stood there.

“Tashi!” Nick exclaimed hugging me.
“Nicky!” I exclaimed hugging him back.
“Nick, this is my best friend Aimee. Aimee this is Nick.” I said pulling back.

I looked over at Aimee and she was standing there looking absolutely shocked.
I snapped my fingers in front of her face and her mouth suddenly shut.
Nick winked at me subtly and stuck out his hand for Aimee to shake.
She shook it with a dreamy look on her face.
“Come inside!” Nick said grabbing my arm and pulling my in to the game room.
As we passed the living room I saw a glimpse of Denise and Paul.
“Hello Mama and Papa J!” I shouted while being dragged up the stairs with Aimee trailing behind me looking like she was dreaming.
As soon as we stepped into the game room, I was hit by something half my height.

“Frankster!” I said hugging him.
He walked away and I went and hugged Kevin and Dani and sat down.
Someone cleared their throat and I looked up innocently to see Joe standing by the couch slightly confused.
“Yes?” I asked innocently.
“Don’t I get a hug?” He asked sadly.
At that moment I sprung up and half tackled Joe and jumped on him hugging him.
“I would never deprive you of a hug!” I said hugging him as he put me down on the couch.

I looked over and saw Aimee standing in the doorway.
I walked over to her.
“Why didn’t you tell me you knew the JONAS BROTHERS?!” She hissed.
“I wanted to surprise you. And I recorded a song with them. Surprise!” I said shouting the surprise bit.
“Oh my god you are so lucky! She said.
We walked back over to the couch and everyone had already sat down except for Frankie because he was playing with some race cars.
Aimee sat down in between Nick and Joe as that was the only spot on the couch and I sat on Joes lap again.

“Guys, and Dani, this is my bestest friend in the whole world, Aimee. I’m pretty sure Aimee knows who you all are anyways.” I said laughing at the last bit.

“OH! Oh my gosh Aimee do you wanna hear the song we recorded?!” I said wriggling around in excitement.
“Yeah!” Aimee said, her face lighting up.
“I’ll go get it.” Kevin suggested and ran down to their music room and bought back up a CD.
He put the disc in the entertainment system and pushed play.

On the line started blasting through the speakers and filling our ears with familiar tunes and good memories.

“So what do you think?” I asked Aimee when the song had finished.
Everyone was staring at her to get her opinion.
“Ah-may-zing!” Aimee said clapping her hands together.
A wave of relief washed over me, I was really worried that my best friend wouldn’t like it. Her opinion means a lot to me.

“Oh my gosh, do you guys wanna come over and come for a swim? It’s boiling and our pool is really nice!” I said wriggling around again.
“Yeah.” Everyone said in agreement.
Then Kevin, Nick, and Dani went to get changed and Frankie went to his friends’ house, random I know.

“Are you going to get off me?” Joe asked.
“Perhaps.” I said still wriggling around.
Then Joe lent in and whispered something in my ear.
“If you do not stop wriggling on my crotch you may just have something prodding you in the butt.” Joe whispered.
I blushed and quickly jumped up.

I gave Joe my address and told him to bring everyone soon and Aimee and I rushed home to get changed.

Once I was changed I went into my room and sat on my bean bag waiting for Aimee.
Aimee came into my room when she was changed and we walked downstairs.
“Mum, show the boys out to the pool when they arrive kay?” I told my mum and she just nodded.

Aimee and I were lounging on the loungers by the pool when the boys and Dani walked out to the pool.
“Woah sweet pool!” Joe said.
“Yeah.” I said getting up.
I decided I was ready to get in the pool so I slipped off my flip flops.
I unbuttoned my shorts and stepped out of them.
I took off my tank top and felt someone staring at me but I ignored it.
I turned around and bent over, placing my belongings in a neat pile by the lounger and walked over to the diving board.
The diving board bounced underneath me as I flipped into the pool landing neatly.
As I surfaced I heard applause and I laughed at everyone.

“Come on in! The water’s great!” I said floating on my back.
“Kay!” Joe said and practically ripped off his t-shirt and bombed into the pool, narrowly missing my head.
Next to dive in was Aimee; she copied my actions in putting her belongings by the lounger.
She walked to the edge of the pool and expertly dived in, barely making a splash, and swam to where I was; in the deep end of the pool.
Nick and Kevin then stripped their shirts off and simultaneously bombed in.

“Come on Dani!” I yelled and she stripped off her dress and flip flops.
She flipped off of the diving board and swam to Kevin.

Soon, we had teamed up and were wrestling, shoulder wrestling.
I was on Joes’ shoulders, Aimee on Nicks’ and Dani on Kevin’s.
I was currently struggling to shove Aimee when Dani came up behind her and pulled her off.
We laughed and then it was me against Dani.
I managed to sneak away from her grip and pull her forward off of Kevin’s shoulders.
“YAY!!” Joe and I shouted.
Joe gently lowered me down and we all just swam and talked and splashed, having the most fun I’d had in a while.
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Okay. Comments please..
I hate school!

love Tash `xo