Status: Finished

Tales of the Sunset Strip

Ain’t it fun

The Whiskey has just opened and there aren’t a lot customers yet, so the place is a bit boring. Most of the people show up at ten, when the gigs usually begin.

Tonight a new band, called Skid Row, is playing. I was quite impressed when I heard them the first time, when they were playing a mini-concert for me in the basement of the bass-player.

They had to wait a long time before I could come, because my waiting list of bands I have to judge somehow seems like it’s never-ending.

When I have nothing to do, I usually just hang around and daydream a bit, which is what I’m doing now. For the past few months it’s only about one person though: Slash. After the first date we went on a second. After that second date, he officially became my boyfriend.

I still haven’t told him what my job is. I know, it’s stupid and I’m making a big deal out of nothing but still....

Besides my tiny little secret that I can help them to be the big rockstar he, Axl, Duff, Izzy and Steven want to be, everything is going great between us. I’m afraid I’ll fuck it up because of it.

I can guess his thoughts already now: ‘if she lies about such a thing, how do I know she tells the truth when we discuss bigger and more important issues? Can I even trust her at all?’

I sigh. I’m not an angel but I don’t like lying to him. Hell, to all of them, since I’m befriended with the entire band now. I try to ignore that slight feeling of guilt, tell myself I’m acting stupid and go through my checklist of the Skid Row gig once again. I check my watch and realize it’s time to give instructions to the roadies.

A few hours later Skid Row is playing their first song and I’m busy rocking out. That’s when I see a bunch of familiar faces: Slash, Marilyn, Duff, Mick, Vince, John, Izzy, Axl, Tommy, Nikki and Steven. I run towards them to greet my friends, before I kiss Slash. Before I know it, everyone gives us annoyed glares because we’re making out.

Everyone except Duff and Marilyn that is, since they’ve followed our example. Shortly after Slash and I started dating, they became a couple too. After an hour Skid Row are announcing that they’ll play their last song next. After they finish they move towards us. With a surprised look I see Axl and Skid Row’s lead singer, Sebastian Bach, greet each other like they haven’t seen each other in ages.

I didn’t even know they were so close. Suddenly I realize something, even though I’m completely wasted: Sebastian know my real job, knows I can help Guns n’ Roses but I’m not doing it and there’s a big change he’ll let Axl know.

Than the gunners will know they could have been famous by now and knowing I’ve ‘stopped them’ from reaching their goal, will not make me popular. I swallow loudly and search Slash.

I find him drinking his bottle of Jack. He’s been drinking them the entire night, something that doesn’t surprise me because I know how much he drinks but his drinking habit is worrying me.

I secretly do feel relieved now because if he finds about my lies tonight, he certainly has forgotten it tomorrow. I know I shouldn’t think like that and I’m being a bitch but right now I’m to wasted to even care.

He passes out and Nikki and I make sure he ends up at my apartment. When we finally have managed to get him on my bed, Nikki leaves and I decide to stay with him. I lay next to him, he subconsciously puts his arm around me and I fall asleep.
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