Status: Finished

Tales of the Sunset Strip

Don’t cry

Michelle's PoV

I wake up surprisingly early before giving Slash, who’s still asleep, a small smile. I always hate this day: it’s the anniversary of the death of the first guy I ever really loved. I have taken the day off to go to Stephen’s grave, like I do every year. The only difference is, is that I’m taking Slash with me.

He’s the first guy that ever decided to come along with me, which definitely says something about him and our relationship. Let’s just say I have a knack for assholes who tend to use me and desert me afterwards, instead of actually giving a damn about me.

I feel Slash moving behind me and I realize he’s slowly waking up.

“Mornin’ babe. How are you feeling?” he quickly adds as he remembers that I don’t exactly look forward to this day because of the painful memories.

I just shrug. “Ok I guess, giving the circumstances. I’m going to get dressed.”

I leave the bedroom to take a shower. Normally Slash is following me to have a bit of fun but he senses that I’m not really in the mood for it now.

I’m the first one to lay a bouquet at Stephen’s grave. It’s only 11.30 in the morning so I’m guessing John and Marilyn will show up a little later. I wonder if Duff will come along with Marilyn, just like Slash did with me. I’m sure she at least told about him, Stephen was like a brother to her.

I sigh before looking at Slash. He was standing in the distance, knowing that I needed to do this alone. I’ll never forget Stephen, he was the first real boyfriend I ever had after all but I’m glad I’ve got Slash now.

I walk back to him before placing my hand on his arm.

“I’m ready to go now,” I say in a soft voice.

“You and that Stephen guy were really close, huh?"

" Yup. He was my first boyfriend and after we broke up we remained close friends.
He was like a brother to John and Marilyn, so they’ll visit this place later as well. The four of us used to be in a band together but after Stephen’s death we realize things would never be the same again and in the end we decided to break up.”

Slash raises his eyebrow.

“I didn’t know you were in a band."

"That’s the reason we came to Los Angeles is the first place. I was the drummer,” I add, already knowing my boyfriend’s next question in advance.

“Really? I’m sure Steven will lend you his drumkit if you ask him. I want to see how good you are at it.”

I shrug. “Sure hun, I’ll show you sometime.”

After visiting the graveyard, Slash and I decide to grab lunch at some local restaurant before going back to the house the Gunners shared, taking food with us for them. Sometimes I can’t help to roll my eyes at those guys, knowing that they do buy alcohol but never normal food.

Oh well, I should have been used to it by now. After all, the Mötley guys were exactly the same, if not worse, when they were starting out. I’m not a neat freak but their ‘mötley ‘ house, as they had called the health hazard that they had lived in, had scarred me for life.

“You ok?” Slash interrupts my thoughts.

“I’m fine,” I smile. “I may be repeating myself but I’m happy you came along to be there for me.”