Status: Finished

Carpe Noctum, Seize the Night


(Maggy's PoV)

For a few moments, all I can do is stare at David, before breaking down. Everyone, even Lestat and Louis, walk towards me to try to give me some comfort. After a minute or two a manage to calm myself a little.

“But what do you mean, murdered? And why do you think I’m in danger?”

David sighs. “I’m afraid the Talamasca is behind it.”

I can’t believe my ears. “The Talamasca? The organization that always watches but never interferes or leaves the sideline, responsible for murdering one of it’s older members? Are you sure we’re talking about the same institute?”

Lestat grabs the chair next to me and sits down. “Look, I’ve never really known Aaron but David told me he had a row with them just before he died. According to them, he had became to close to the Mayfair-clan by marrying one of non-witch Mayfairs.”

I snort. “That does sound more like them. The elders never like it when members do that, hence why I never became a fully-trained member myself. But do you really think that argument is the reason Aaron lost his life?"

"Yeah and lately the Talamasca has done more ‘weird’ things. How would you react if I told you they send me a letter in which they threatened me?”

I look at Lestat. “I’m afraid I wouldn’t believe you.´

“Well, mon cherie, you better believe me cause they did.”

“Why would they threaten one of the strongest vampires…? Well, I wouldn’t say ‘alive’ is the best verb here but I’m sure you know what I mean."

"They didn’t like it when I made Merrick my fledgling but yet they never complained when I did the same to David. They always left me alone back in the day when David had his old body, now they even try to push me out of New Orleans. Based on this knowledge, I can conclude only one thing: the Talamasca has changed.”

Jesse nods. “Lestat is right Maggy. The current Talamasca isn’t the same organization we used to love. It isn’t my home anymore, just like it isn’t David’s, Merrick’s and even Yuri’s anymore. And the same goes for poor Aaron.”

I shake my head in sadness.

“I almost can’t believe it guys. But why do you think I’m in danger? Because a bunch of idiots became members? I’m not even a full-member.

“You may not be a full-member but you’re the only human of our little clique left who regularly visits the motherhouse,” Merrick points out.
“ Aaron is dead, David is a vampire and therefore ex-communicated, the same goes for Jesse and me and they even dropped Yuri like a hot potato. The sad thing is, he doesn’t even know why he’s ex-communicated. Probably because he’s just as much a rebel as the rest of us when it comes down to getting to close to witches and vampires."

"You really think the fellow Talamascans are going to hurt me? And what do you think I should do? Ignore their invitations for the next few meetings? Yeah, they’re going to love that. Besides, they’ll find out in no-time that I’m friends with you guys.”

“Exactly, that’s why you have to be careful. I know that by warning you I’m only tempting you to go to the New Orleans motherhouse as soon as the sun rises, since you’re just as good in ignoring rules as Lestat but please, be careful."