Status: Finished

Carpe Noctum, Seize the Night

Rebel yell

After saying good night to my now un-dead friends, I walk to the spare-bedroom Lestat had offered me for the night. When I try to fall asleep the first initial shock finally passes and the full weight of the bad news I’ve just received comes crushing down on me.

I sigh sadly and get out of the king-size baroque-styled bed before walking to the window. As I look at the dark streets of New Orleans I realize one thing: I have to find out who killed Aaron. I have to know the full and ugly truth about the sad end of a guy who was like a father to me. Without that knowledge I couldn’t mourn him properly, the way he deserves.

The alarm clock on my phone ends my troubled sleep. I groan and decide to call in sick today, knowing that my co-workers will accept my excuse when they hear my hoarse voice.

That afternoon I walk to the local Motherhouse. I know David has told me to stay away and be as careful as possible around all things Talamasca but he knew as well as I wasn’t going to listen to him the moment he warned me.

I decide to start looking at the most obvious place: between all the tons of files about witches, ghosts, vampires and all the other super-natural creatures. After a few minutes of searching, I grab the file about the Mayfair witches. I almost take the file about Lestat too, before realizing I can easily ask him anything I want tonight and put the file back on the shelf.

I make a quick visit to my own apartment to grab all the other stuff I need before returning to the house on Rue Royale, carefully avoiding all the bedrooms.
After all, a human should never disturb a sleeping vampire, even friendly ones with a great sense of humor.


“What are you doing?”

That evening my work is disturbed by Lestat, who suddenly appears and peeks over my shoulder and a curious Louis, who is standing in the doorway of Lestat’s library.

“Hoping to find out who murdered one of my best friends.”

Louis gives me a sympathetic look. “I know that Aaron meant a lot to you but…"

"I know I should be careful. But come on, like you’ve never felt like you had to do something or else you would never get closure and a peace of mind."

"She’s right,” Lestat adds. “Remember when you made Merrick call Claudia out of the underworld. It wasn’t a happy experience for you, since you tried to kill yourself over it later but at least it woke me up and finally gave me chance to make you stronger."

"Yeah, that’s really the reason I wanted to see Claudia again,” Louis replied sarcastically.

Lestat rolls his eyes. “Come on, you’re still here talking to us thanks to me. I know you’d refuse otherwise but you know how bad I am.”

This time it was Louis’ turn to roll his eyes at Lestat while I just smirk as I watch the two of them.

“You know you two sound like an old married couple, right?” This shuts them up and they both glare at me

“Anyway, where did you get that stack of papers from?,” Lestat says, suddenly turning suspicious as he and Louis eye the file.

“The motherhouse."

"David is right, you’re just as bad as Lestat with following rules,” Louis sighs.

I shrug. “Only with rules I don’t consider to be important."

"That definitely sounds like a thing I would do. Need some help baby?”

I offer Lestat the chair next to me. “Thanks, it means a lot to me. And Louis, I would never even try to force you to do something you don’t want to do but I could always use another pair of helping hands.”