Status: Finished

Carpe Noctum, Seize the Night

Make you feel better

Maggy's PoV

After my near-kidnapping experience, slowly everything goes back to normal again, or as normal as things can be when your best friends are vampires, of course.

However, two important things had changed for me:
After my argument with Lestat the other night, I had put my investigation to Aaron’s murder on hold. Not only because the attack has made me realize the full danger of my research but also because I simply don’t have a clue what to do next.

All my friends have promised me they would tell me if they see or hear something suspicious during their hunt that could lead to the murderer but so far, everything seems no different than normal. In other words, all I could do was sit around and wait for my friends to discover anything and my own supernatural powers were useless now.

It frustrates me to no end.

On top of that, I really don’t know what’s going on between me and Lestat either. Technically I’ve only known him for a few weeks but it somehow feels like ages ago when we first met. We somehow ended up being close very quickly and whenever we’re together I guess there’s some kind of chemistry between us. Besides, he’s not exactly bad looking either. We’re friends but is the strange tension between us a sign that we could be more than that. I haven’t got a clue.

That evening I wait patiently for my friends to wake up.

“Good evening Cherie.”

I look up and see Lestat standing in the doorway, smiling at me. Ok, it’s obvious I might feel a little more for Lestat than friendship, or else I wouldn’t feel butterflies now.

“Hi Lestat.”

“How are you this fine evening?”

“A bit frustrated but otherwise fine.”

Lestat gives me an understanding look.

“I can’t revive Aaron from the dead but maybe I could cheer you up, take you out somewhere and make you forget your troubles for a while.”

I smile at him.

“I like that idea, thanks. Let me get ready.”

When I get up from my chair and want to walk to the guestroom I’ve already claimed as mine, since I end up sleeping here 90% of the time anyway, I suddenly realize something.

“Wait Lestat, is this just a friendly gesture or a date.”

He shrugs, even though I notice he tries to hide a smirk.

“That’s up to you to decide ma cherie.”

“I guess this is a date then,” I mumble and when Lestat hears my reply he winks at me.

After quickly redoing my hair and make-up, I walk back to the living room where Lestat is waiting for me.
When we walk outside, he motions me tome closer.

“I want to show you something. Hold on tight, I won’t let you fall.”

“Lestat, what are you up to?”

“You’ll see.”

He suddenly holds me tight.

“Lestat, what are you doing!” In the middle of my sentence we rise up into the air.

“I hope you’re not afraid of heights?”

“And you only decided to ask me that now?” I reply with a smirk before quickly telling him I’m not afraid.

“Good. Now, look down.”

I do as Lestat says and my mouth drops. Underneath me is New Orleans by night and it’s skyline is the most beautiful view I’ve ever had.

“It’s beautiful.”

“I know. My city is indeed breathtaking.”

“OUR city is breathtaking,” I point out and he grins at me.

“Come on, let’s sit somewhere.”
