Living with Nate


"Alex come here!" yelled Nate from our living room. Yeah, we bought a house of our own and we loves it. It was small and cold most of the time, but it was in L.A right near the recording studio.
"Nate you can't keep calling me in here I am trying to fix dinner." I said, comming into the living room.
"Come sit down beside me." he said, patting the seat next to him on the couch.
I sighed then sat down next to him. He smiled then started kissing me.
"Nate I am going to burn dinner if you don't stop calling me in here for nothing!" I scouled, then got up.
"Alex baby please come back!" he yelled.
"After dinner!" I yelled back "The guys are comming over and the house has to look perfect."
"Ok." he replied.
I finally got dinner ready and the house cleaned just as the doorbel rang.
"Nate get off your lazy butt and get the door please?" I asked.
"Sure." he replied.
"Alex where are you?" yelled Seth.
"Kitchen!" I yelled back, throwing off my apron.
Seth came around the corner and ran to give me a hug.
"Alex!" he yelled, wrapping his long arms around me.
"Seth I missed you!" I yelled. It had been three months since Nate and me left them to to live our lives and I missed Seth like crazy. Seth was my best friend, besides Nate.
"Alex oh my gosh look at you!" he said, refering to my belly, which was huge.
"I know and it's going to be a girl!" I squeled.
"Oh my gosh!" he said.
"Yes and I am making you and Drake the God parents." I said with a smile.
"Alex I am touched." he said "if I weren't gay I would kiss you."
"I know you would." I replied.
Just then Drake, Blake, and Nate all came into the kitchen.
"What are we talking about?" asked Drake.
"Alex and Nate have made us the godparents of their baby girl." said Seth, and he put his hand on my stomach.
"Alex no way!" Drake exclaimed.
"Yes way." I replied.
"Oh Alex if I weren't gay I would kiss you!" he yelled.
"Thats what Seth said too." I replied.
"Ok so like when are going to eat?" asked Blake.
"Come on." I said.
We all ate dinner which was very interesting. Then we all went to go play monopaly in the living room.
"Ok Blake I will buy all your blue land for four hundred dollars." I said. We had been playing this game for three hours but by now only me and Blake were still playing. I was winning but Blake didn't like that.
"Hell no!" he said.
"We don't curse in this house and what about five hundred." I replied.
"No!" he yelled.
"Please just give her your property!" whined Drake.
"No!" Blake yelled.
"Come on your in dept and this is the only way to get out of dept." I said.
After a long pause Blake said," Fine take it."
"Yes I win!" I yelled.
"Ok can we do something else now?" asked Seth.
"No we have to go." said Blake.
"Awww can't we stay a little whole longer?" begged Seth.
"No come on Alex and Nate are a couple and they need to be alone besides don't you and Drake need to plan more stuff for your wedding?" asked Blake.
"Woa what?" I asked.
"We forgot to tell Alex!" yelled Drake.
"Alex me and Drake are getting married!" yelled Seth.
"Oh my gosh when?" I asked.
"In five months." replied Drake.
"Oh my gosh!" I yelled. "I am so happy for you two!"
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