Status: Finished

Killing Loneliness

Heaven tonight

Georgia’s PoV

The next morning Janey disturbs my sleep at 10 am. As I groan she offers a much needed coffee.

“Come on you lazy ass, the three of us are going shopping.”

“Yeah come on Georgia, get you ass in gear. I’ve got work on Thursday and Friday so this is my only off day and I want to spend my time wisely,” Misha adds. “Besides, someone here hasn’t got any clothes that are suitable for a date with a Finnish sex god.”

I roll my eyes. “Guys, the caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet. I’ll get ready as fast as I can.”

After a few hours of shopping, we decide to look for a restaurant and eat lunch.

“So, excited you’re already having a date after two days?” Misha asks with a smirk.

“Of course, Ville seems like a really nice guy and I like hanging out with him.”

“He is indeed a cool guy but do you think you two could have a future together?”

"Janey, I’ve only just met him and then I’m not even mentioning the fact the two simple facts that a: he lives in Helsinki, I live in London, he’s a rock star who can have any girl he wants, I’m a lawyer who didn’t have a date in ages.”

Janey and Misha crack up. “Damn girl, you’re getting attached already!”

“What do you mean?”

“ You’ve completely analysed the situation you’re currently in with Ville, which means that he has definitely crossed your mind multiple times. Or let me rephrase that: he has invaded your mind.”

“Shut up.”

At 8 p.m. sharp Ville knocks on my hotel door. He smiles when he sees me.

“You look great love. Ready to go?”

As Ville and I talk and eat dinner, we forget the time. After what seems like only five minutes, our conversation is disturbed by the owner of the restaurant.

“As much as I, as well as my staff, loves your music mr. Valo, we can’t stay open for you.” We quickly apologies before leaving.

“I can’t believe we’ve talked ‘till one thirty in the morning,” I mumble when we’re outside.

“I must say, I’m glad I asked you out,” Ville says with a smile. “It was the most fun I’ve had in a while.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Doesn’t a rock star like yourself have a more adventurous life than to be entertained by a very good yet simple date,” I tease.

“On the contrary love. Lately I’ve been locked up for weeks in my room, struggling with a huge case of writers block for HIM’s next album. If my friend and guitarist Linde hadn’t suggested that maybe I should go outside more, I’d still be in my bed room right now, surrounded by cigarette stubs and take away food.”

"Well, I’m glad you listened to him.”

“As much as I hate to be a spoilsport right now, I think it’s time to bring you back to your hotel.”

We say goodbye with a simple hug. I blush as Ville softly kisses my cheek before walking away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update of this story today because chapter 4 was so short...
Thanks to Raven for the comments.