Le Rêve

You Make This Too Much To Handle

Jonathan's P.O.V.
I flip my blonde hair out of my face and sigh. Of course, Sam has to be upset. Again. Sam always seems to be upset about something. Steele and the rest of the family still wonder why I haven't left him. I know he's cheated on me a few times...but, everyone makes mistakes, right? It's hard to leave someone you love. And I swear, we're perfect for eachother...I mean, he was my first. Isn't your first always supposed to be your last in the end? Your highschool sweetheart? I don't want to be a second without him...I don't know what to do when he gets upset like this. Did I do something wrong?
I shift my weight on the couch and watch him pace back and force in front of the TV. His puzzling expression worries me. I stand up and walk to him. "I'm sorry, Sam. Can I make it better, please?" I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Well," he begins as his hazel eyes meet mine, "There is...one thing."

"Anything for you," I say, and I mean it.

"I want to go to Le Amour tonight. I know a guy who has V.I.P.s. I hear it's really nice back there." His eyes are testing me.

"Of course," I reply, pushing my lips to his forehead. He laughs in response. "You know I love you, right?" I ask, staring into his eyes once again.

"I know," he says, looking away. My heart sinks. That's not what I wanted to hear. He leans up and pecks me on teh cheek, then pulls away quickly. "I'll be ready at six. Don't be late," he says as he walks out the door. The sound of the door shutting makes my heart fall into my knees.
Now, I have to tell Steele I can't show up to band practice because I made plans with Sam. He's going to be less than thrilled. The sound of footsteps brings me out of my thoughts. I turn around to see Steele making his way to the couch beside me.

"That loser gone for good?" he asks, plopping down on the left side of the cherry red couch.

"Leave me alone, Steele. You may not like him, but I do. A lot. Don't blow this for me, okay?" I say, trying not to become too frustrated.

"I'm pretty sure he did that a long time ago." Steele rubs his forehead. My stomach knots at the idea of him with another guy.

"Steele, dude, you're really startin' to piss me off alright? Lay off the Sam jokes. I don't talk about Alex that way." I walk into the kitchen and open the stainless steel refrigerator.

"That's because she'd kick your ass," Steele says through a light-hearted chuckle. Lucky bastard. Alex is so in love with him it's blatant. I can't even get Sam to look me in the eyes when I tell him I love him, let alone get him to say it back.

"Shutup, man. She would not. She likes me," I reply, throwing a bag of brocoli from the fridge towards him. He catches it and frowns down into the bag.

"Of all the things you could pick to throw at me, it had to be brocoli? Why not some chocolate?" He sets the bag on the coffee table in front of him.

"Dude,I can be a little stupid sometimes, but there is no way in hell you are getting chocolate. Everyone in this house would kick my ass so hard I wouldn't be able to shit for a week." I grab some leftover spaghetti Cassie made and shut the fridge.

"Well, I will have the sugar rush for band practice, today. We're gonna kick so much ass. We're almost at ten thousand page views, already. Can you believe it? We only set the page up like, what? Two weeks ago?" Steele grabs the remote and turns on the TV. I feel a twinge of guilt. I grab a fork out of the drawer next to the sink, and begin eating the spaghetti out of the chilled container.

"Yeah, dude, uh...about that..." I begin, shoveling some spaghetti in my mouth. Steele turns his attention from the TV to me.

"You did not make plans with that asshole." His eyes cut right through me. I just stare at the tile at my feet. I'm not going to comment on his Sam remark. He deserves it. "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? How the hell are we supposed to get big if you keep bailing every practice? Ever heard the saying "What's a band without it's drummer?" We need you!" He yells, throwing his hands everywhere as he talks. He tends to do that.

"I'm sorry, man. I need to spend some time with Sam, you know. He's upset and he just-"

"When are you not/i] with him? He's always upset. You know that. I know that. Everyone in this fucking house knows that," He says, sternly.

"...I just don't want to lose him, alright?" I say quietly, stabbing a meatball with my fork. Steele was silent for a moment.

"Just do me a favor, and give me a break. Give yourself a break. From him. You need it. He's always stressing you out. And as for band practice, it's obviously ruined. We'll move it to tommorrow. And you better not ruin it this time," he says and picks himself up off the couch and goes upstairs.

Fuck. He took it a little worse than ususal. I guess I understand. This is the third time this has happened. Sam makes a lot of things hard to deal with. But, I love him. What am I supposed to do? I snap the lid back onto the spaghetti container and slide it into the fridge, then I toss my fork into the sink. Maybe Steele's right.