‹ Prequel: In Fear of Life
Status: New, Sequel!

Just When We Learned How To Live

Chapter Five.


Hurrying back to my room, I find that Marc isn't here. He left a note on the inside of the microwave, however. He knows me too well already to know that's where I would go first.

'Be back soon, went to pick up Dallas. He's staying the next couple of nights. Is that cool?' I smile and think, 'well, at last I meet the Texan'. Although he's probably not even from Texas, I just like to imagine a cowboy or something.

Pulling out my cell phone, I ponder if I should call Matt. It's gotta be about midnight there. We agreed not to call each other until the 5th, but I can't wait for another week! Dialing Mattie<3, I listen to the ring tone and wait. "Adam!!!" I hear a shriek come through the phone.

I giggle with happiness. "Matt, ohmygod, I've missed you sooo much. I know we said we weren't gonna call, but-"

He stops me and says, "I was going to call, too, but I wasn't sure if you would be mad."

I laugh. "Yeah, oh god, my boyfriend's calling, I'm sooo pissed."

He chuckles. "So..tell me everything. Do you have a roommate? What's he like? What was class like today?"

I giggle again. "Well, my roommates name is Marc, he's gay, too, and his boyfriend is coming over tonight to stay a couple of days. His name is Dallas, like the town?" Silence. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I mean..isn't it weird that you got stuck with the gay guy?"

I frown. "What do you mean, 'stuck with the gay guy'?" I can almost see him pouting. "Matt, it's not like he's gonna jump me, and I thought you had enough sense to realize I love you too much to even think about someone in that way."

He huffs. "I know, I do love you, and I know you wouldn't. It just..I don't know."

I gasp mockingly. "Mattie is jealous? How is this possible? This is..this is inconceivable!" I bust out in laughter and he huffs again. The door bangs and I hear voices coming from the next room. "Matt, I love you, sooo much, but I have to go."

He sighs. "I love you, too, Adam. Call me tomorrow, okay?" I hang up and go into the other room to introduce myself to find Marc and some guy- who I assume can only be Dallas- making out on my bed.

"Eh hem." I clear my throat, amused as they look at me, embarrassed.

Marc jumps up and grabs the other by the hand. "Adam! Uhm, sorry about that. Adam, this is Dallas. Dallas, this is Adam," Coughing nervously, Marc shuffles his feet. " Now that we're acquainted, I just want to say again, I'm really sor-" I hold up a hand, shaking it off.

"I'll..uh..leave, if you want me to?" Dallas starts to protest, but I can see that Marc would be grateful. I grab my trapper hat and check my hair. "I'll be back around 10, okay? No nakedness!"

Marc blushes and Dallas replies, "Oh, d-don't worry."

Closing the door, I slip away, not mad, really, but wishing that I could actually talk to Marc for a second, about Matt. I hope he's not really mad at me, I mean, he did sound a bit jealous on the phone. Of Marc, of all people! I giggle and watch as the sun gets lower, walking briskly down the path to a now-familiar dorm.

Knocking on Vee's door, another chick opens it and squeals. "OH MY GOD, I can't believe they actually sent me a sex gram for my birthday!"

I blush, and stutter. "N-no, I'm uhm..Adam? Is Vee here?" Disappointed, the girl nods and walks away. A minute later Vee is at the door in pj's and a transformers tee shirt.

"Adam, come in! What's up?"

I shrug. "Nothing, just letting Marc have his way with Dallas in our room." Vee giggles and plops down on the couch.

I sit and lean back, sighing. "So, remember Matt, my boyfriend?"

Vee nods. "Yup, has he called yet?"

I shake my head, "No, "I called him. He sounded jealous about Marc because I told him he's gay, too."

Vee sits on her knees. "How cute. No offense, I know you love Matt and everything, but I think you and Marc would be so cute together. I mean, Dallas..Dallas is a fine piece of ass, but he's really mean, I think."

I sputtered at the whole, 'cute together thing', but frown at the last bit of information. "He..he seemd nice to me?"

Vee shrugs. "Yeah, he's like that. But wait until the jaw snaps closed. It still makes me shiver thinking about it."

Concerned, I look at her. "Why, what happened?"

She leans back into the cushion. "Well, I mean..I caught him making out with another guy! And I heard from a friend of mine that he had sex with a friend of Marc's, and all while they were dating!"

Hmm, what the hell? They seemed so lovey dovey. "And Marc doesn't know?"

Vee shakes her head. "Nope, but they broke up once for about a month when Marc caught him making out with Miranda, one of my old friends. That was weird."

I shudder, feeling bad for Marc. "Wait, he's not gay, then, he's bisexual, right?"

Vee shrugs. "I guess. So when is Matt coming anyways? I'm so effing excited to meet him!" She jumps up and strikes a random pose. Laughing, I jump up and we model in front of the mirror. She gasps like she just remembered something.

"Oh em gee, I've got like, two joints at hand! Wanna get baked?" I hesitate. I don't know, the one time I even tried it, I got the scar on my face, and someone died. She catches on to my mood. "What's wrong? Are you one of those people who are, like, really against marijuana?" I shake my head and pull up my bangs.

She gasps. "Who's Lucas and why did he put his name on your face? I mean, that's going even farther than tattoo's, dear."

I sigh. "I never loved this guy, he tried to kill me and all of my friends. This..happened when I was high. I don't know, I guess I'm just a little freaked out about it, still."

Vee nods and her eyes look understanding. "Well..if you don't wanna, it's cool."

I shake my head. "No, I mean, I do want to. Just promise me..I don't know, I just hope it's not like last time." Well, last time you also had Ritalin in your system. And Matt's not here, why not? Just do it, you'll relax and have fun.

So after convincing myself, we take a couple of hits, and I start thinking, 'I'm not high'. But then, "Hey, I don't think I'm highhhh yetttt...VEE I'M NOT HIGH, VEEEE, oohhh...I never noticed that your couch was sooo colorful.." I guess her weed was either strong or I'm a light weight, because after awhile, I start getting fuzzy, wondering where I am. Wait.."When did he get here?"

I look up at Marc who looks more than a little pissed. Wait, what? Where's.."Where's mmm..uhm, where's Texas? I mean..Dallas..where's him?" But I don't remember what he said because the moment someone says something I forget it in the next five seconds.

Vee is screaming and yelling and laughing and I don't know what's going on..I'm just kind of dizzy and everything is so funny! Oh, look! Dallas fell of the chair! When did he get here? Ha, who cares? Wait, what did i just say? I don't even remember!

Somehow we end up inside of a small room with a big scary looking guy with tattoos and I'm sitting in the chair and laughing, and then he puts a needle in my tongue and it's feels funny and i can't help laughing and then it's done. Vee is showing off her new lip piercing and Dallas is holding me up.

"W-where's Vee?" I ask, looking around, convinced she's right around the corner or something. Then his mouth is on mine and I'm kissing him back, where are we? We're in Vee's dorm, right? Then my pants come off and I push him away and try to stand but fall on top of Dallas and then he's smiling, running his tongue down my stomach.

His mouth wraps around my dick and then I'm gone, it's heaven, but then I look at the ceiling and think, that's heaven, ohh..heaven is very dark. Maybe it's really hell! What if i go to hell..I'm..not sure what I just thought about. I must have blacked out for awhile, because when I wake up, I'm completely naked and alone. Also, someone's (mine?) come is all over my stomach.

I jump up and head towards the showers. The steams helps me relax and I let the water pound against my head for a good five minutes. After awhile I come to my senses and realize that the water is boiling hot and I'd be surprised if my head didn't have some kind of burn on it. I start thinking about what just happened..Oh my god. Dallas? No..Maybe?

If not him, then who? Not Vee, I think she's into girls. Oh, stop fooling yourself. Did I..sleep with him? Oh, my god. I've..I've just cheated on Matt..And with my best friend's boyfriend. Shoot me now. I sink to my knees in the shower and cry until a knock on the door startles me. I turn off the water and find a towel, wrapping myself in it.

I creek the door open. Vee is standing there, not high anymore, either. "We need to talk. Now."
♠ ♠ ♠
My mouse (not a real one, the computer one) is messing up big time. Not clicking, clicking twice, and I can't highlight things sometimes, or when I can, it lets go before I'm done highlighting..
It took me a few (hundred) tries to get this pasted on here.

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