Status: Won't be able to update this weekend. Super busy! Hopefully sometime during the week I'll get another chapter up.

Finding Family, Finding Love

Chapter 6

~Chapter Six: Telling Horatio~

(Still don’t own Ryan or CSI just the plot and any characters you don’t recognize.)

I watched as the girl, Ava, walked away. She was definitely gorgeous, she has long dark brown hair with soft curls and red tints that actually look natural. I noticed that her eyebrows were actually red only because she had a eyebrow ring. I never noticed if she had any others as I never got to look past her face. I got lost in her brilliant blue eyes. As I watched her walk away I noticed that she was shorter than me. Not five minutes after she walked out the doors did Horatio walk in. Talk about bad timing.

“Hey H!” I said falling in step with him. “How’s the case going?”

“It’s going Mr. Wolfe. What about your case? Find anything new?” He stopped in front of the elevator and looked at me.

“Yeah, uh…the girlfriend confessed to killing him. She apparently caught him with some other girl when she came home early from work and lost it. We also analyzed the weapon and found her fingerprints along with some epithelials.” I wrapped it up as simple as possible.

“Good job, Wolfe.” Horatio started to walk into the elevator after hearing the bell ring as it came to our floor. I stopped him before he could get in.

“There’s one other thing H.”

“Yes, Mr. Wolfe?”

“Ummm…yeah a young girl, young woman actually, came by earlier looking for you today.” He looked up at me confused, I was hoping he would know the young woman.

“A young girl? How young are we talking Wolfe?”

“I don’t know for sure H. Ummm… late teens, early twenties maybe. I’m not sure, I didn’t ask. I only asked her if she was lost and she got nervous and asked for you. She said you knew a mutual acquaintance.” I looked at Horatio as he looked more confused by the minute.

“Did she say who this acquaintance was?” He asked. The only thing I could do was shake my head.

“No sir. She said that she would try and stop by again later. Oh, and she said that her name was Ava. She didn't say her last name, just Ava.”

“Okay thank you. She didn't happen to say when she was coming by again?” He was holding the elevator doors open as we spoke waiting for my answer.

“No she didn't.” He shook his head in thanks once again before letting the doors close.

~So Horatio doesn't know her….damn. Wasn't expecting that. I hope she does in fact come back. I don’t know what I really want her to come back it’s not like I got to spend a lot of time with her. She’s also not really my type. She seems a little more punkish. Of course my other choice of a girlfriend was definitely wrong. I should really learn to stay away from the Erika Sykes of the world. Erika was the worst girlfriend I ever had. Just used me for her job. CSI’s and reporters just don’t mix…..ever.~

Since I had already finished my case I decided that I would go home. I was beginning to feel jittery. My OCD was beginning to act up. Maybe later I would go out after I cleaned a bit. I don’t know it’s not like I would run into that girl, especially with so many clubs around here. Miami is huge and has about a two clubs on each street it seems . There were thousands of people in this city, it wasn't likely that I would run into her. I walked out to my hummer and drove home.

I cleaned for a couple hours and by then decided that I would just forego the clubbing tonight and just stay home. OCD always seems to ruin my plans, its hard to find someone that would understand.

Hopefully tomorrow would be better.