New Years

And There's Only a Countdown

Rushing into the living room, I bring in all the champagne glasses, while Chrys brings in the champagne itself. I hand out the glasses to everyone here, Chrys, Amandine, Bree, and Thomas; keeping one to myself as we watch the ball slowly fall down. I wore my fake smile as the rainbow orb crawls down, only because the only person I wanted here with me while the ball dropped wasn't here. Don't get me wrong, I loved everyone here; they're my family practically, but I wanted to see my Blake today... I haven't in a few weeks. Of course, moments ago, he had texted me saying he couldn't make it, leaving me here to hold in all my cries and tears.


I shake my head when the one pops up on the screen, only to feel someone's arms around my waist and their lips next to my ear. The touch was so gentle, but strong... Familiar, but I couldn't recall at that exact moment. Only the deep, velvety voice gave it away that rang through my ears; "Happy New Year, baby," he whispers.
My heart pounds, and the tears rush down my cheeks. I spin around, instantly looking up at the smirk I knew and loved, along with the amazing blue eyes I relied on. Random, unfinished sentences ran out of my mouth, and his warm, big hand cupped my cheek, his thumb wiping away all the tears that fell one by one.
"Blake!" I cried out, but shortly found his lips against mine forcefully.

He pulled away to look at me, but I only kissed his lips again shortly. "I thought you were stuck in Toronto?" the tears poured down again.
"Surprise," he chuckled.
I felt my lips tremble, only to bury my head in his broad chest. I missed his touch. I missed his even breathing in my ear. I missed his delicious smell. I missed my Blake in general.

He lightly shushed me, but ran a hand down my head, following my hair down my back, and up again. It felt so good to feel his delicate touch again. I lifted my head up to look at his gorgeous face once more, "Happy New Year, Blakey... I missed you."
He kissed my nose, causing me to giggle, "I missed you more. Now, where's my champagne?" he showed me my favorite lopsided smile, chuckling.

Only him, my favorite person, my favorite thing to see, my favorite New Years surprise would do that.
And it didn't matter.
I loved him.