Status: in the making

Veggie Head

Food Inc.

Have you seen it?
Food Inc. I mean. If you're thinking about watching it, don't. It's terrible and disgusting. I couldn't even watch the whole thing, it was so terrible.
My mother always tells me how much empathy I have, and I hate it. It oozes from every pore of my body. Every fucking one. I feel bad for everyone, even if it isn't my fault they've been hurt, or if they're the one who's hurt me.
So I watched the beginning of this movie around 8:30, and at around 9, 9:15, I felt like shit. Like complete shit.
I refused to watch anymore of it. I left the living room and tried to distract myself. It didn't really work. By the time my best friend got online, I was getting angry and disgusted again. I talked to her, and right then, that was when I'd ever really truely hated myself. At that point, I wished I were dead.
Every time I think of what people do to animals for food, I want to die.
So I've decided,
I am going vegetarian.
But that may not seem like a big deal to some people, but it's a big deal to me.
I love meat. I love beef, chicken, lamb, you name it. But now that I know what happens to the poor animals before I ate them, just disgusts me to the point of hating myself for being alive.

So from here on out,
I am a Veggie Head.