Status: in the making

Veggie Head

Light Weight

February 14, 2010
That's what I am.
Yup, a fucking light weight. barely a half bottle of vodka and a strawberry margarita and I was gone.
Anyway, today was pretty much the worst day of my life, so far.
I got drunk off my ass (today was fasching, a big german parade where everyone gets really really drunk and dresses up in costumes. It's quite fun) and hung out with like, ten people I hardly know. I made my gay friend jealous by making out with his crush whilst being drunk. Gave that same guy a blowjob*, almost having sex with him, AND, to top it all off, two other people walked in on us, and pretty much everyone we were hanging out with knows.
I feel gross, I feel like shit.
I want it all to go away.
I just want to get out of this fucking hell hole.
Tomorrow we have the day off, so I have a day to recooperate, but after that, I really don't know what's going to happen.
And that itself, scares the living shit out of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
*I'm a virgin, get over it.