Status: in the making

Veggie Head


February 21, 2010
That's my sport. Football, also called Soccer.
Anyone else play? What position? I'm keeper. Anyway, trials are in three weeks, and I'm quite excited. I don't think I've been this excited in a long time.

Things have sort of picked up in the last week.
The incident last week linked me with a whole bunch of other people I'd never thought I'd talk to, ever. It's made me uncomfortable when my friends bring it up, but I tell them I'd rather not talk about it. This week I had been invited to go and watch Wrestling Europeans by my crush (glee) and afterwards we hung out for a while, and the way he acts around me, makes me think he likes me, though he's got a girl friend.
He confuses me beyond belief, but...he's really the only thing that makes me happy when I'm not intoxicated.
I have this one friend here, and he's always talking to me, and sometimes he annoys me, but I'm always whatever about it. Sometimes he creeps me out, because when I give him hugs, his hand always lingers on my waist or something. It makes me uncomfortable, and I don't like it.
One of my good friends got caught drinking, smoking, AND smoking weed. He got called to the office friday and the Military Police (MPs) were waiting for him. He was in there for about an hour and he was practically arrested. His mom found out he smokes the day before he got caught, so he's already in a heap of trouble about that.
My best friend Charlie got pissed at me for not telling him what happened on Valentines Day, and he chewed out the guy that I'd been with. I got pissed at him and told him that I needed some space, that I'd forgive him when I forgive him and he can't rush it. (We never really talk things out, he just says sorry over and over again until I say fine! I forgive you, and that bothers me) So now he's saying that I'm a bitch and we aren't friends anymore.
I'm sorry, but tell me that isn't being immature.
I guess the only good thing was hanging out with my crush on friday.
That was really the only thing that had made the whole week tolerable.
I'm just hoping I can find some way to tell him I like him, without the situation being awkward after I tell him.