Status: in the making

Veggie Head

*** in the Making

March 27, 2010

So, I haven't updated in a while, so sorry about that, but things have been really busy.
Let's do a recap, shall we?

-My sister tried to kill herself
-my parents don't tell me shit
-when I try to talk to them about myself, it ALWAYS switches back to my goddamn screwed up sister
-my sister is now in a Rehab hospital in the Georgia, and thats all my parents fucking talk about.
-I made Varsity for Soccer. (Woohoo)
-we had our first game today. We tied Vilseck 1-1. I blocked all the shots but one (Go me)
-theres a new guy that's randomly popped up in my life (he, too, has a girlfriend)
-I've realized I've never really fit in anywhere.

So that's what's happened in the past month.
I really don't want to live with my parents any longer. I wish I could just fast forward the next few years and graduate and go to college on a soccer scholarship.
But life sucks...and then you die.

Moving on to the next issue.
I've realized that I pretty much hate everyone in this fucking place.
Would like to know why?
Well, even if you don't, I'm going to tell you.
Everyone here is two fucking dimensional.
They're all fake.
They're all trying to fit in in their own little world, and they think they're real, but their not. Just two fucking dimensional.
We're all two dimensional, attempting to fit into our own faux three dimensional world.
I don't fit in, and I don't try to.
I don't WANT to fit in.
In general, people annoy me.
I don't know.

A not-so-great man once said...
Life sucks. And then you die.

He's right, you know.