Status: in the making

Veggie Head

Langestange (Long-ah-staan-gah)

February 2, 2010
That's german for Sausage with cheese and pretzel. Well, probably not, but thats what I always order when I go to Disch (Only the best chain bakery in Germany). Langestange...something. The second word I can never pronounce, but it starts with a D.
Let me start from the beginning though.

I got taken out of school early, after lunch, but I haddn't had much then because of my dentist appointment. At the dentist, I got my molds, pictures, and x-rays for my braces. (eep!) We got done, and I was really hungry. So my mom and I went to the Bahnhoff (german for train station) to grab a snack before dinner. We were just going to grab some fries from Mickey D's, but I figured the bakery would taste better. So we went there, and I order what I always order.
Langestange Something.
I wasn't even paying attention to what I was getting, just falling back into my normal routine. (You see, earlier, a certian few people had made my day, so I was feeling pretty happy then.) Anyway, I ordered what I always did, and I didn't realize what was in it, until I chewed and swallowed the first bite.
I could taste it.
The damn sausage.
Right then, I felt like I was going to burst into tears. I could feel my eyes well up. I wanted to curl up into a ball and hurt myself for not even paying attention.
I ate the stupid Langestange anyway, I didn't want to waste my mom's money or seem weird for not eating it. But my mood had gone from, unconditionally happy, to unbelievebly depressed. (Not depressed, I'm using it as an adjective because very very sad sounds really dumb.)

Right now, I'm sitting on my couch, watching Scrubs (LOVE that show), and when I think back on it, I realize, that small little problem is just a minor setback.
In the past, I'd tried to go vegetarian, but I never really lasted that long. Once I had that first peice of meat, I'd go 'Whoops! Looks like I can't do it!'
But I can. I know I can, and I'm not letting one little thing stop me from reaching what I really want to accomplish.
I WILL become vegetarian. There is nothing that will stop me.
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Homework is taking me forever. Advanced classes suck. >.>