Status: in the making

Veggie Head

Langestange (Part II)

February 2, 2010 (continued)
I've got more problems to dump on you, sorry.
Well, I guess they're not really problems, but I need to get this out, and I thank you for listening.

This morning, I wasn't feeling to great. Lately I haven't been feeling great. I just feel...not like my normal self. Whatever.
At lunch, my whole mood had been changed. It was all because of one person.
Me and my two friends were walking to my house for lunch, and I live right by the Commissarry, so we talk to most of the kids until we get to this fork in the road. We turned the corner at the cross walk to get to the Middle School, and walked for a while. Out of no where, a huge ball of wet hits me in the back. I turn around, and one of my friends, Heather, gets hit in her back.
Behind us are two of my other friends, Mattner and Nate and they've each got a snowball in hand, ready to lob it at us at any second.
I'm terrible at snowball fights, so I took Heather's purse and ran off with Sarah, the third friend in this story. It was fun, Heather, Mattner, and Nate started having a snowball fight, but they were still trying to hit Sarah and I. I had crossed the street and gotten to the corner of the fork where we leave, but Mattner and Nate were still on the other side. I looked down to try and get the snow off my boots, and next thing I know, Nate is yelling in triumph and something cold and wet hit me in the top of the head.
I felt so defeated, but I was so incredibly happy at that point, I could care less.
So Heather caught up, and the three of us walked to my house, but I had forgotten Mattner knew where I lived. He and Nate ambushed us, and we all had a big snowball fight in my front yard (Glee ^^ ).
The only bad thing about that snowball fight was everyone had seen how bad I was at throwing snowball fights.
But you know what? I don't care. Thinking about then just makes me smile.
I would wonder why, but I've all ready figured it out.
I like Nate. He's nice, and funny, and we used to date, but I had gotten scared, and dumped him. Later on, he started dating this girl, Ashely.
She is possibly the worst person I have ever met. She treats him like dirt, and I don't understand why they don't break up.
Oh well.
What I don't get is, Nate and I, we flirt back and forth constantly, and during that snowball fight, he hit me the most, out of everyone. Whatever, maybe something will happen.
I guess I have two choices.

1: do something about it.
2: hope it will magically work itself out.

I dunno if you were me, but I'm leaning more towards the first choice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, well, if you read it, thanks,
if not, who cares,
I just needed to get it out.
I also hope that no one in this story reads this. x:
I would be extremely embarrassed if they had.

Thanks again, guys, for reading this (:
-Ed Daff